New Member
Ok, so I just moved into an apartment with mybest friend a little over a week ago and he has a very friendly catnamed Rika and I have a rabbit named Reno. Well, I thought maybe thetwo of them would get along, so for the first few days, we let Rikasniff Reno through the cage and let them look at each other for awhileand everything seemed fine, so after a few days, I let Reno out of hiscage while Rika was in the room. Rika was very very cautious of him,but he seemed not to care at all that she was around, so we let hervisit him more and more (but I always keep an eye on the two).
Well, now there is a problem. Rika is still cautious, but very curiousof Reno and comes in the room whenever I let her. However, Reno hasstarted charging at her occasionally and kind of headbutting her. Rikausually leaps out of the way (usually up onto my bed), but keeps comingback for more. Reno doesn't seem to hurt her or anything, and hedoesn't always do it, but I don't want them to get into a fight and heseems to be charging at her more and more often. Now, Rika is declawed,so I'm more worried about her than Reno. So, I'm just wondering if Ishould keep letting the two of them get together. I'm hoping maybe Renowill prove his point and then they can get along, but I don't know ifthat is possible or not, or if I should intervene when he does chargeat her. :/
Well, now there is a problem. Rika is still cautious, but very curiousof Reno and comes in the room whenever I let her. However, Reno hasstarted charging at her occasionally and kind of headbutting her. Rikausually leaps out of the way (usually up onto my bed), but keeps comingback for more. Reno doesn't seem to hurt her or anything, and hedoesn't always do it, but I don't want them to get into a fight and heseems to be charging at her more and more often. Now, Rika is declawed,so I'm more worried about her than Reno. So, I'm just wondering if Ishould keep letting the two of them get together. I'm hoping maybe Renowill prove his point and then they can get along, but I don't know ifthat is possible or not, or if I should intervene when he does chargeat her. :/