rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

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Sep 11, 2004
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i have had my rabbits for about (harvey)6 monthsand (esme) seven month and when they 1st came, esme was extreamly shy,but came out her shell after a few months and was a lovley rabbit ( alittle skitish but ok) and harvey was always bonnkers....but now (thepast month or so) they are becoming extreamly "thumpy" when ever anyonegoes near them, they run away from me and have even bit me twicenow.....im so unhappy i dunno what 2 do.....help ...plz anyone!

Hmmm usuallyrabbits have this problem if they havent been neutered orspayed:D

Have you been spending time with them?They might be getting skittish because they are just used to being withthe other bunny. How long would you esimate you spend socializing withthem each day? Time and patience is the key :D

about an hour a day, i sit in the pen with them,they come up 2 me , but wont let me stroke them....and i also open thepen and they jump on my bed and sit near me, but again wont let metouch them or pick them up 4 a cuddle.....they used 2 be ok aboutit...but now they are so skitish......i dunno what i have done 2 makethem hate me so much....its getting me so down!

any sugestions?

Hmm I am reallystumped! If you spend time with them and they are spayed and Neuteredthen I dont see what they would seem unsocialized. This is usually aproblem we see in rabbits that are not fixed.

yeh i know....im totaly stimped 2 :( ohwell....i will try and spend more :) time with themand see what happens....i will let u know whta happens :)


my rabbits must realy hate me, as soon as ipicked them up esme thumped and ran off and harvey had scratched my armhard and its soooo painfull, im sat here in tears....y do they hate meso much?


Rabbits actuallydont really like to be picked up. None of mine do, and I have 8 rabbits:)

Rabbits are pray animals so when they arepicked up it makes them feel like they are being attacked. Maybe if youjust try getting on the floor with them, ya know down at their level,then they would get curious and come and investigate you:D

i do try and do that....but they wont come nearme,.....and when they do , if i stroke them, they run off........i feelso depressed.....i dunno what 2 do about them......it pains me so muchwhen they thump at me when i walk in the room or when i strokethem.....why :(

They probably think you're going to pick them upwhen you try to stroke them. You'll have to not pick them up for awhile so they realize they won't be picked up every time you try totouch them. Try laying on the floor and seeming very non-threatening.It'll take a while to convince them you're not always going to grab 'em.
Well, I don't really have any suggestions as towhy your bunnies are doing this (it could be a multitude of reasons);all I will suggest is that you do asAmy suggested...insteadof attempting to pick them up, go down to their level. Lie on the floorandlet them come to you if they feel like it.Don'tforce the issue with them. Have some of their favoritetreats onhand, and if one orboth ofthemapproach, offer the treat in your hand. Do this for sometime without making any gestures towards picking them up orholding/confining them in any way. When you think they are beginning tofeel more comfortable being next to you, then you could take the nextstep and start lightly pettingthem (when I had rabbits Ifound that the most favorite spot for them to be stroked was the downyfur right behind theirears, at the backofthehead). Again, only do it briefly,and if they shy away don't force it.

Give it enough time so you will build up their confidence, and then youcould begin attempting to pick them up for very brief periods (just afew seconds at a time). A majority of rabbits hate to be held, but Ifind they do need to be able to tolerate it somewhat, because we dohave to inspect their paws, teeth, etc., so having a bunny who doesn'tpanic every time they are picked up is an asset. Pick them up andquickly spread their toes, have a look at their feet, in their ears,etc., and then put them down. If you can get them used to this, thenthat's what matters the most. You may not have rabbits who love tocuddle, but at least you'll be able to pick them up and handle themwhen it's necessary. Oh, and don't forget a reward as soon as you putthem down...a favorite treat and tons of praise! :)
I went through the same thing with two of myrabbits, Abby and Valuran. It took me several weeks to regain theirtrust after trying to "train" them to be held. They just didn't like itand I quickly learned to give it up if I wanted rabbits that wouldtolerate me.

What I would do was sit quietly around them and let them come to me.Treats such as raisins helped to win their trust back. Not a lot, justa few mind you. I would lay on the floor, nose to nose with them.They'd sniff me, give me a nudge or a kiss then scamper off. But theyalways came back.

Both of them are only comfortable being pet while they're inside theircage, especially Valuran. Our third rabbit Chompers is pretty much thesame way. I make sure to spend lots of time each day giving each rabbitindividual attention with ear rubs and general affection from theirmommy.

Good luck! All it takes is time and patience.
Even though most of my rabbits are great aboutbeing held - some of their favorite times (and my favorites) are when Il just lay on the floor and they jump all over me like a junglegym. They LOVE it...and truth be told - I love it too.

Of course, that's only for the little bunnies. Tiny can comeup and lay beside me or nudge me - but he better not jump on my back..

When Mocha was new, I found that the best way toget her near me was to lay on the floor. She has always lovedjumping all over me, and sometimes she'll lick my hair.Neither she nor Loki like to be picked up. I practice it withthem a few times a week so they are used to it, but I expect that theywill never like it.

Loki has only been here for a week and usually ignores both me and myhusband while he's out. He's starting to nudge us a littleand lately he's started letting us pet his nose. We'recareful not to force him into anything, and he seems to appreciate thefreedom.
My bunnies won't stop what they're doing to bepetted. However, when they're done playing and exploring,they'll lay down and chill. Then I can pet them all I want --that is, until they want to explore again!

Maybe try waiting to pet your rabbits until they're settleddown. How would you feel if you were in the middle of aserious exploration and somebody kept poking you?:) Good luck!
Mocha will sometimes stop what she's doing to bepetted, but she's quite the love bug for a Nethie.:p It'slike "Hey, mom, stop that! Ooooooooohhhh, that feels good!"*flops*
Hey, Em! I am sorry you think yourbuns hate you. I don't think they do. You are theirprovider. Maybe you could try all of the things suggested,getting down on their level, with occasional pets and kisses.Also try hand-feeding them. I had a female bunny that wasnone to happy to be picked up. Under the suggestion ofseveral members here I did all of the mentioned tactics, along withhand-feeding. She is much better now, but stillshy. I can (usually) pick her up, but she still would ratherlay around and just watch me. My male has always beenfriendly and happy to be picked up. Don't give up on yoursweeties. They don't hate you, they are justnervous. As soon as you gain their trust, things will getbetter. :p

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