Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
My pet rabbit charged at me, bit my finger, and broke the skin. Is there anything I need to do? Go to the doctor etc?
Sorry your bun bit you. Did something set him/her off which caused the attack?

I usually just wash the bite wound with soap and water. Then apply some antiseptic and something like neosporin and cover it with a band aid.
I am really upset with him right now. I do not know what set him off.. I think it might be a combination of him not being out of his cage a lot this week, I have also been working with trying to get him comfortable with me petting him, & my alarm was annoying him yesterday to the point to where he was stomping his foot on his cage. At the time of the "attack" I was petting him, he ran into his hutch, I got a treat out, called his name, held the treat about 8 inches from his hutch, he ran out & full on bit my hand (it was not a nibble).
I don't know his age but if he is a young male hormones could be kicking in ; this can be resolved by neutering the rabbit.

Ihad a really bad biter until he was neutered
Mac looks like my Max. Max did the same thing with me when I got him. He was older than Mac. Once I had him neutered he settled down. It does take about 2 months for the hormones to leave his system. Just be patient.
When Riley had hormones and I was getting a treat for him, he would get so terribly excited that he would bite me sometimes by accident. Now that his testes are gone he's a very good gentlebun.
Alright, ladies & gentlemen! I have scheduled the pre-neutering vet visit! I feel bad neutering him, but I don't feel like getting bit all the time!
Alright, ladies & gentlemen! I have scheduled the pre-neutering vet visit! I feel bad neutering him, but I don't feel like getting bit all the time!
i don,t know the environment in which this little-one is living/growing up,but he is setting the ground rules!!..i have two spieces of lagamorph/my cottontail(pictured-here)-is an easter rabbit-4-14-06,.he set the ground rules and now in his older,mellower age(over 3yr.)-he has decided to be kinder,,there was a time of blood letting-very similar to the mideval days,-i love this little guy and would put up with quit a bit of misbehavior//he was hand reared from day 6,,he can even take on a 10# cat/cottontails are very territorial and i am in his environment//.rabbits do see in color(blue/green),they are far sighted with 360*vision-(except directly in front of them is a black spot)--do not reach in fast to pick him up,,he is young he will calm down/-neutering shall help,but may not entirely cure him...i hope something here helps,sooth your nerves,,..sincerely james waller