rabbit ate oil paint!

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Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
so my mum's an artist, and my cheeky rabbit harry got into her oil paint!
he bit straight into the tube, and his nose, mouth and feet were covered in the red paint. He was then licking it off and clearly liked the taste. When I tried to clean him, he just kept trying to escape, but he's now grooming himself a little.

Is there anything I should be worried about? Will this make him sick? He seemed to be obsessed with the paints for weeks, we thought it was the linseed oil but now that he's done this we think it must be the paint itself.
oh no!!! what are the ingredients on the tube? maybe if you post them here someone bunny savvy will be able to post and let you know if they are ok for buns to eat.

hope he does ok.

in the mean time just monitor him as rabbits cant vomit so if it is toxic it will be hard for him to get it out of his system

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