Rabbit advice please

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Jun 24, 2006
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Some advice really needed, please!

I have 2 buns, a castrated male and an entire female, both nervous rescues. It has taken a year for them to bond but recently they managed it and they now live happily in the same hutch and with the full-time run of a room.

However, she has suddenly started nest-building. The vet says I have to wait until this phantom pregnancy is over before we can neuter her.

In the meantime, what worries me is whether they will continue to get along. I am worried that if she is trying to build a secure nest, she will resent his presence and their new-found bond will end in fighting. Nothing so far has suggested this will happen as they still get on really well so I would like some advice on whether it is likely she will suddenly turn on him.

Any and all opinions and suggestions very welcome! I'm a new member, so 'hello' as well!



i shouldnt worry i think they,ll still get a long and her phantom pregnancy will soon pass ,i know of 2 buns 1 doe and 1 buck who,ve lived 2 gether for years and shes had a few phantom pregnancys and they,ve been fine but if your not sure just keep an eye on her but im sure they,ll be ok
Hello Sally!
Welcome to the forum !!!:welcome1

We have a bunny that has had false pregnancies and nests ALL of the time (Chippy).

Keep an eye on your female for some of the symtoms that Carolyn outlined. One of the important things to watch is her eating....as a preggo doe, even one having a false pregnancy,usually stops eating just before delivery. You don't want her going into GI stat.


Carolyn wrote:

Side note, not to alarm but just a note: Even in false preganancies, rabbits can go through lactation and develop mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands.In addition to nest building and milk production, they can become extremely territorial, stressed,and aggressive, so watch out! Just keep an eye on her if she does continually have these false alarms. Symptoms would be fever, inflammation, going off feed, etc.

The false pregnancies are hormonal. The homones fool the rabbit's body by telling it it's pregnant.The actions of nest building have been known to someto last up to two weeks. It can be triggered by being mounted or an infertile breeding.

False pregnancies can be extremely stressful for the rabbit, and a decrease in appetite can lead to GI Stasis, so keep an eye on her appetite and stools. It's been described as being like a severe case of PMS. Spaying a rabbit can greatly decrease or eliminate these issues for the doe.


I would consider getting her spayed so that her hormones don't drive her crazy.

What names do your bunnies have?
Got any pics?


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