Rabbit Abuser found Guilty!

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Apr 29, 2005
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Sentencing will take place on May 20th forJanine Marie Cazares who was found GUILTY of animal abuse on April20th. Please take a moment to sign this petition to show the judge thatyou want maximum sentencing and mandatory psychiatric counseling forthe rabbit's CONVICTED abuser. The DA made the judge aware of the 9,000signatures on the petition in the Lucky the Rabbit case, let's get10,000 signatures for the Hayward Rabbits.


For more details on the Hayward Rabbit Rescue:http://www.rabbit.org/rabbit-center/hayward_rabbits.html

Absolutely sickening. I don't read thesetype of posts often because my heart truly breaks and Icryfor days. I read this one and signed. How disgusting of that woman.Very sad.

Oh GEEZ! How terrible! I want to cry. How could someone do THAT? I signed too!
Has anyone heard of a recent case inPennsylvania where a man let approx. 200 rabbits die ofneglect? I've been searching the news on the internet, butcan't find any more info. Not sure of the county --except that it's in north western PA.


Iintend sign the petition, but wanted to know about thesuggestion of "psychiatric counselling". Is it reportedsheactually mentally ill?

Because my understanding is that ifa personis not,ie thattheyarejustcruel and choosing to be bad, like most perpetrators of serious crime,then wouldnt suggesting she is mentally ill result in diminishedresponsiblity? But maybe the American system is different from theBritish one.

Just a small point, hope you dont mind me querrying it.Iwould like to also sayI agree with the previous posts incondemning this henious crime. She should never be allowed near animalsagain.

northerndancer wrote:

Iintend sign the petition, but wanted to know about thesuggestion of "psychiatric counselling". Is it reportedsheactually mentally ill?


I believe I had read earlier that this was a case of a"hoarder". It is believed that these people are well intendedbut are compelled to hoard animals they are not able to properly carefor -- however, in their minds, they are doing the best for the animal.

As this article puts it -- they literally "love the animals todeath". I found this article very informative, as it presentsboth sides of the issue.


I have also not signed the petition (although am also heartbroken overthe incident). I see far more of an outcry when animals areabused then when children are -- and I find this more thanalittle disturbing.

Has anyone heard of a recent case inPennsylvania where a man let approx. 200 rabbits die ofneglect? I've been searching the news on the internet, butcan't find any more info. Not sure of the county --except that it's in north western PA.



Try checking with the PA House Rabbit Society. They wouldprobably know about an abuse/cruelty case. The link above hastheir contact info.


The link above will help explain the reason for seeking mandatorypsychiatric counseling in all cases on animalabuse/cruelty/neglect.

The abuser in this case was not a hoarder. She providedveterinary care for her dogs and cats, she just did not place the samevalue of life on her rabbits. She left them to die in herback yard, bodies piles up, abcesses were visible on the survivingrabbits, she fed them only bread and filthy water. She livedin a nice house and had money to feed them. She chose NOTto. She abused these poor rabbits and other rabbits for aperiod of ten years. Any one who could do this isin need of psychiatric counseling. This was the act of acruel person, not someone who was too mentally ill to realize what shewas doing. She works full time and was fully capable ofcaring for these rabbits, it was not important enoughto herto do so.

Anyone who could do that to an animal is capable of doing the same to ahuman, counseling is to hopefully prevent the cross over.Imagineleaving achild in her care.

Here is another case the House Rabbit Society was involved with whichended in a guilty finding for the rabbit abusers on 4/13/05http://www.luckyrabbit.org

The abusers in the Lucky the Rabbit case were sentenced to 3 monthsjail, and 3 years probation during which time they are not allowed toown or be around animals, and must undergo intense psychiatriccounseling.
I signed... i don't know how anyone can be socruel to animals, especially rabbits!!! It breaks my heart to hear thatpeople out there could do such a thing.. i personally wish i could saveall the animals who are being abused !!!


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