Quinn's breed?

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
, Manitoba, Canada
Alright, so I originally got Quinn out of a disgusting pet store in February and just assumed he was a hotot/netherland dwarf crossed with something and went about my business. I took him to the vet a few times(once for what I thought was a respiratory problem that was just allergies, and the second time for his neuter), and both the vets (that both look at rabbits) didn't know what he was crossed with. I keep hearing people say that he's a harlequin rabbit, but from what I've looked up, not only do they look very very different, but they are supposed to be medium-large sized rabbits (6-9 pounds I believe?) and Quinn is just barely 3 pounds (if that, he was 1.2kg when we took him in a few months ago).

So, I guess my question is, does he just have so little harlequin in him that there's just a teensy bit of colouring in there and that's it?

Here are some pictures of my little man:


As a baby:




He actually makes me think of someone who has crossed a dutch and a harlie. I believe one way of creating tri dutch is to make those crosses. May be way of the mark though but from the shape I reckon there is some dutch in there anyway lol :) he is super cute though :D
His ears are VERY long for a Dwarf, but his body type in that 4th picture does suggest Dwarf. I'm guessing he is a Dwarf, just not of exceptional breeding. :p

The Harlequin coloring can be found in breeds other than Harlequin. It looks like your other bunny back there might be tri-colored, which is actually the broken form of the Harlequin color. So it's tough to assume that there is Harlequin (the breed) in him, even by his coloring.
I have no idea about breed or colour but I can tell you he sure is Adorable I love his colouring. Your othe bunny is very cute too.

I'd love to see more pictures of the 2 of them. Are you planning to bond the two.

Susan :)
I've started to try and bond them the last little while. They've been playing together in the room they both live in for nearly a week now. I think it's going well, there's no fighting, but Quinn is just newly neutered so there are times he tries to make some babies and Briar doesn't appreciate it so much (she's been spayed for a little over two months now).

Briar is a mini-rex mix, at least, that's what everyone who has seen her has told me. Who knows really what she might be? She has a bit longer and wider ears than Quinn does, and she's roughly 4 pounds, her hair is also much thicker, shorter and softer than his is. Good old fashioned pet store animals, the mysteries never end. All I know is that they're both beautiful and fluffy and love to follow me around and jab at my legs and feet when I dare to do something besides pay attention to them.

Thanks for the information!
It can be safely assumed that any petstore animal is a mutt. xD

And that's what he looks like. I agree with Julie as usual, he looks almost dwarf-y because of the body type, though the ears through that all off lol.

We only see his left eye the entire time- I see his paw is white- is his right eye blue?
I'm wondering if he could be a vienna marked harlequin (coloring that is) - but crossed with something.

I'm not saying that right - I know that even in lionheads you can get vienna marked harlequin patterns...but the rabbit is still a harlie (coloring) - so I'm thinking maybe that - but in another breed?
Just as another pointer- Harlequins (the breed) are bred for VERY specific markings. When correct, these markings look almost like a checkerboard pattern.

However, in other breeds, the Harlequin markings are generally not recognized. Actually, I'm not sure if they are in any breed other than the Harlequin? Therefore, most Harlie colored bunnies are "accidents" in the sense that they are just the solid form of a tri and pop up in those breeding programs. Generally, these are not being bred and worked on for the specific Harlie coloring, they just pop up from other crosses.

So for that reason, and the fact that he's so small, I don't think he is any part Harlequin as in the breed. I can't say that for sure, but I am relatively certain only because I don't think the markings would deteriorate that quickly in only one generation. So that's just a little more reason that I believe he may be more closely related to a dwarf type-wise.

Like Tinysmom said, he could also be a VM. He doesn't necessarily need to have a blue eye to be VM, but that would explain his (socks) and the snipe on his nose. Being a VM AND Harlie marked would also explain why is type is so..."off" for a Dwarf, since those two colors don't tend to have overwhelmingly awesome type as a general rule.

Soooo...just a little backround to support my reasoning. :p

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