quick question....

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Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
Jasper, Alabama, USA
Hey everyone, I got Oreo's new bedding, food, and litter box today. The food and all is good but I'm having a slight problem with the litter box, she thinks its her new bed too. (CRAZY WABIT):dunno. This is my first litter experience, what do I do?

Thanks Jessica;)
Many rabbits sleep in their litter. Don't worry, as long as she's not getting too messy (i.e. covered in urine and feces) she'll be fine. I put Oswald's food dish and hay holder right next to his litter box, as suggested by many of the members here. It really helps with his litter training and if I put his food dish anywhere else he moved it right back.


EDIT: If you look in Bunny Blogs at the pictures of Haley's Bunny, Mr.Tumnus, you'll se a really cute picture of him lounging in his litter box.

So what (or where) does she think is her litter box? :biggrin

Rabbits will chose their own pee spots and always go in the same place. She has to smell pee in the box before she'll keep peeing in the box. Try putting some hay in the box with the litter, they like to poop, pee and eat.

Or you canlock her in a carrier or small cage or something with the litter box until she uses it.

Or if she's done her business elsewhere, take atissue with some pee on it and put it in thebox, and wipe down the old pee spot with vinegar.

Good luck!


In the unlikely event she doesn't eventuallypee in the box, here's the Bunny 101 thread on litter training.

Most rabbits from time to time will lounge in their litter boxes. Nothing to worry about.

Two of mine do, and it is always soo funny to see!:)
Hey there!

As Amy said, Mr. Tumnus will lay in his litter box all the time! He loves to lounge there even though he has a very large cage to roam about in!


He uses it very regularly, and I just keep it cleaned out so he doesnt get dirty. Have you seen the litter box setup Pet_Bunny uses for Pebbles? This is the best way to keep it clean! And likeeveryone said, hay in one corner works like a charm (you can see his is everywhere!

Best Wishes!

-Haley (Oh, and Amy, Tumnus thanks you for the compliment ;)

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