Quick question on nextboxes...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I posted a while ago about my two Holland Lop does going to be bred, and they went this weekend. Both are bred now and I'm very excited. 8D

But, I only have one nestbox. I had a wooden hidey box I was going to use as another nestbox but recently she's taken to flipping it over because it's entertaining to her, and I don't want her to hurt the babies so that definitely won't work.

And I was wondering...if I could make one out of Coroplast? I'm in need of Coroplast anyway and I was thinking I could just zip-tie/something the extra Coroplast to make another nestbox. I can't find anything on it over the internet, so I'm not sure if this would be okay or possibly a bad idea?

Thanks! :D
Im sure you could use just about anything for a nest box. I know of people who have used shoe boxes, small plastic tubs, ect. Just make sure its big enough and that the babies cant fall out.Good luck =)

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