Quick Question For When I Leave On Vacation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
Hi everyone,

I will be going on vacation for four days starting on Thursday. Mymother has offered to come every morning to take care of my bunnies.Because she can only come once a day, they will be fed both pellets andvegies in the morning. (Usually they get vegetables at night). Sincethey will only have one meal a day (I will, however leave lots of extrahay and give them each an extra water bottle), should I have her givethem extra pellets, or extra veggies? Or will they be able to rationtheir own food throughout the day? They are currently each given a 1/4cup of pellets and a cup of veggies per day.

I would thinkthey'd be just fine. What I would do is have her put the pellets on thebottom, and then the veggies on top. If your rabbits are anything likemine, they'll wolf the veggies down in a few seconds flat :p, and thenwill munch on the pellets throughout the day.

Since they'll have fresh water and lots of hay, I wouldn't worry aboutany adverse effects, except for maybe being a bit hungrier in themorning

~Emily and the fuzzbutts~
Good question, Bunnydude. Is it bad togive them a little more pellets? I will have the samesituation coming up soon. :)

I might, however be able to get someone over twice a day...?If not, can they simply be given a bit more pellets each day?
I would have her just give the normal amounts inthe morning. Extra hay and water can't hurt. When Igo away, my mom has strict instructions and they do get extra haydaily. I only give extra pellets if I'm going to be gone overnight for just one night so my mom won't have to take care ofthem. They get extra water bottles then too.

Honestly, I wouldnot give them more pellets. It's not like they'll actually need theextra calories, they just run the risk of being a bit hungrier comemorning. But, for my rabbits at least, that's what hay is for. To actas a sort of "filler" so that they can munch to their hearts contentwithout fattening up on too many pellets.

If your rabbits are likely to eat all of their pellets at once insteadof rationing them, then I would venture to guess that they willlikewise eat nearly all of their pellets at once no matter how much yougive them. Their self-control (or lack thereof) will not improve ifgiven more food ;)

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~

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