Quick question about carpet fiber ingestion...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
So while I'm grieving about the soon-to-be loss of Zoe today, my one bun, Pinkerton, snacked on a small section of carpeting in our hallway. It's a very low-pile runner, basically. It seems that he unraveled and possibly ingested a small section of the fiber that makes up the edging.

Can a bun's digestive system typically handle a small amount of carpet fiber? (I so did not need this extra panic today.)

Thank you,

angieluv wrote:
Yes don't worry about it ..just give him extra hay
Thankfully, he is a good pooper. I will do my best to put the worry aside and just keep him eating his hay, drinking his water, and exercising his hind end. :D

Yeah your bun should be ok, my rabbit takes nibbles out of carpet and towels all the time. But if your really worried about the amount or anything then give him hay and veg to get his digestive tract moving to get it out of their system :)
Yep, my buns occationally nible on it. It should be fine! :)
*praying for you all about Zoe. * :pray::pray: