Quick neutering question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
How long does it take for a buck to recover from neutering?

And I mean FULLY recover...enough that he's ready for bonding with other buns.....

Thanks, guys! :)

As far as I know, a male can still have activesperm for up to six weeks after he is neutered. After that, Ithink you're safe. I'm not sure if that's what youmeant...Actual recovery from the surgery is quite quick, my Rupert wasneutered in the morning and was back to his old self thatnight! Of course, we still kept him quiet for a few days justto be safe.

I think I would wait 8 weeks for bonding with unspayed doe, just to be100% sure. My boys were all up and running the day after surgery.
He would be physically recovered way before 6weeks but because it takes awhile for the hormones to diminish and alsobecause he could have active sperm for about 4 weeks ..6 weeks is aboutthe right time to wait before bonding.

Keep him in an area where he can see his potential mate and get used toher odor but don't allow them together even in side by sidecages as they can mate through the barsif cages arekept side by side.
Rosie, I have one that was done at almost 3years:shock:, from what theage that the peepsthathad Snuffles said.When I had him done it took atleast a month, but I think that if you are planning to put him w/ agirl, to wait way longer. It really does take awhile for thehormones to really die down.:shock::) Like 2 months.
Ah...okay...thanks, guys!

Just for additional information...he wouldn't have been put with a doethat had not been altered...so no worries!! I'm WAY toparanoid to even ATTEMPT that one! :D

At this point, given the timeline of things, we probably won't be goingthe route of having five until we have a house.

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