Questions on Feeding Pellets...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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, Illinois, USA
My new boy is estimated to be around 5-6 mos. old. I plan to keep him on the alfalfa-based pellets that he was fed at the shelter for at least a month to avoid making any sudden changes that could disrupt his digestive system.

Based on his age and weight (just over 6 lbs.), I've been advised to feed him 1 C. of pellets daily. I'm thinking that it should maybe be less, but I'm unsure. Can anyone specify:

1) how many of his current pellets I should feed him for now?

2) at what age should his pellet quantity be decreased?

3) at what age should his pellets be switched to timothy-based ones?

Thank you,

Hmmm...that does seem like a lot for a 6 pound rabbit, but I don't want to jump out and start saying what amount should be fed, because I'm probably not remembering the numbers right. I was under the impression that big rabbits like Flemish Giants get 1 cup a day, and for other breeds it's roughly based on some kind of amount per pounds formula (for example 1/4 cup for every 3 pounds of weight?). Hopefully someone can find that or let you know what the real formula is.

As for when to cut down on the all you can eat thing, a breeder told us to do so at 6 months of age. I'm assuming this is done at whatever point your rabbit becomes an adult, and different breeds have different ages for this. We were bad about it though and it took until I snapped this photo of Billy looking like a jelly bean for me to realize I needed to restrict his diet! :D


As for the timothy versus alfalfa based pellets, ours are still on alfalfa and do just fine. This might be because they are so small and active though. They do have trouble keeping on weight and I think the alfalfa based diet helps with that.
I feed 1/8c per 5lbs of bunny. My bf feeds too much to his nethie (a 3 lb bunny gets almost 1/4c!), but he's younger than mine, and not my bunny, so i don't get to have a say on that. I also feed 2c greens/5lbs bunny. I wouldn't feed a 5lb bunny more than 1/4c a day, whether he got greens or not. I also personally wouldn't feed less than 1TBSP/5lb bunny, but that's because i think pellets have some nutrients they just can't get elsewhere, although others like Randy have bunnies on no-pellet diets. My bunnies seem to have a pretty stable weight on 1/8c/day.
tonyshuman wrote:
I feed 1/8c per 5lbs of bunny. My bf feeds too much to his nethie (a 3 lb bunny gets almost 1/4c!), but he's younger than mine, and not my bunny, so i don't get to have a say on that.
I think a lot has to do with the breed too, because I feed 1/4 cup to each of my Nethies and they weigh in at around 2 pounds. Billy usually only eats about half of the amount (so roughly 1/8 cup) but Ronnie will polish off the entire 1/4 cup every day. I guess because they are so small and active, they don't put on any weight (I even give them 1 teaspoon of oats and they don't gain!) whereas a larger rabbit may struggle with weight issues with too many pellets.

Jenk I can't remember what type of rabbit you said he was...Rex or mini Rex? If nobody else answers the amount they feed this breed per day I'd try a breed specific Google search and see where most answers fall from various breeders / pet owners.
I feed my mini-rex who average 4 lbs, 1/2 cup alfalfa based pellets that are 16% protein and 18% fiber and locally grown timothy hay. They are put on that ration from the time they are weaned and stay on it. I do adjust slightly, some get an even 1/2 cup and some get it rounded over a little. I feel that the pellets are a complete formula and the hay is more to keep things moving and keep them busy. They get greens occasionally as a treat more than a part of their diet. I very rarely have any rabbit that experiences statis or gas.

LBP, you're right about activity level playing a factor. Benjamin is putting on a little weight, but he gets fresh veggies too, which I know your boys don't like. That's why I think 1/4c is too much. Plus I think nobunny is as active as Billy! Nethies are so energetic that feeding a little more is still fine. I personally would start a new bunny at 1/4c, see how his weight is, and then either increase/add oats or decrease depending on what weight he is after a few weeks and what weight he should be.
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Jenk I can't remember what type of rabbit you said he was...Rex or mini Rex?
The new guy is a Californian. He's estimated to be between 5-6 months old.

I agree with what others have said, that 1 C. seems excessive. I want to cut it down, but opinions seem to differ on this. I don't want to alter his diet too drastically, too soon, considering the diet-related issues my other two girls have had.
angieluv wrote:
Hey, Maureen. :D

I've already checked out these links and still feel a bit confused. Common sense tells me that a 6-lb. bun (although young and growing) shouldn't have 1 C. of pellets daily. But then certain articles written by rabbit-savvy people suggest that a rabbit under 7 mos. of age should receive "unlimited" pellets. Ack!

I notice that my new boy doesn't eat enough hay (not nearly as much as my girls, who receive no pellets). But he's not even been home for a week's time; I don't want to alter his diet too soon.

Any thoughts on when I could more safely begin decreasing his pellet quantity?
7-8 weeks to 8 months-Unlimited amounts of pellets.

8 months to 1 year- 1/2 cup of timothy pellets per 6 lbs of body weight per day.

(Resources- The House Rabbit Connection)
Jenk wrote:
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Jenk I can't remember what type of rabbit you said he was...Rex or mini Rex?
The new guy is a Californian. He's estimated to be between 5-6 months old.

I agree with what others have said, that 1 C. seems excessive. I want to cut it down, but opinions seem to differ on this. I don't want to alter his diet too drastically, too soon, considering the diet-related issues my other two girls have had.
Whooops! I must have gotten him confused with your two girls :baghead

GoinBackToCali has a lot of Californians, if you are still looking for answers you could PM her regarding how much to feed, or try searching through some of her previous posts (I think she mentioned exactly what she feeds her bunnies in an old post, but I don't recall where that was).
If it was my rabbit and has was 5-6 months I would be free-feeding pellets because he is a growing bun.
maybe in a few months I would cut it down but it would be based on his weight ( did he look like he was gaining too much) activity level etc.

I think because you have had extreme problems with the girls that you are overly cautious and you most likely will be surprised how easy it is to feed a bun without those issues.:)
Also, keep his breed in mind. A Cali will grow until he's around 1 year old, a Nethie is pretty much done at 6 months. Rabbits that are still growing should be free-fed alfalfa pellets.:)
I don't free feed my rabbits from the time they are weaned at 8 weeks old. My mini-rex would be way too fat if they were free fed.

angieluv wrote:
I think because you have had extreme problems with the girls that you are overly cautious and you most likely will be surprised how easy it is to feed a bun without those issues.:)
I don't normally like surprises, but I would love that one. :biggrin2:

Even if he's "easy" to feed, though, I don't want to overload him with too much of something that's not good for him. Right now, he eats so much less hay than my girls that it concerns me a bit. I don't want him to remain a pellet junkie forever to the exclusion of hay; I also don't want to make any sudden dietary changes that could disrupt his system.

RAL Rabbitry wrote:
I don't free feed my rabbits from the time they are weaned at 8 weeks old. My mini-rex would be way too fat if they were free fed.

Good point. I suppose it depends on the breed and individual, as well as how much exercise they get. Me, I couldn't get Mocha to eat enough, she was a skinny hyper little dwarf baby!
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Whooops! I must have gotten him confused with your two girls :baghead

GoinBackToCali has a lot of Californians, if you are still looking for answers you could PM her regarding how much to feed, or try searching through some of her previous posts (I think she mentioned exactly what she feeds her bunnies in an old post, but I don't recall where that was).
LOL I fret over and ask so many questions about my girls, it's no shocker that you were confused. ;)

I'll take your advice and ask GoinBackToCali how much shefeedsher youngsters. :D


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