Questions for Pam

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I wanted a neat title but couldn't think I am creating this thread hoping that maybe we can ask Pamquestions on it so she doesn't have to hunt through our messages sooften (or at least my messages).

So is the first question for you...

I was reading today about the theories of breeding to the ifyou breed during the new moon you get more does and if you breed duringthe full moon you get more bucks. Have you ever triedthis? What do you think of the theory?

It has made for fascinating reading - here's a couple of links:

I'm not a big believer of breeding by the moon,however we do know for certain that the moon's gravitational pullcertainly affects the earth. I did keep notes one year on howmany bucks/does I got in litters and it ended up correlating withgenetic statistics of 50% bucks and 50% does. As far ascertain traits -- once again, I believe that geneticsrule. The receptiveness of does dependson many factors, and one of those could certainly be the moon.

With that said . . .

As I've mentioned in the past, I don't want a question/answer threadwith my name on it. It has a tendency to make otherpostersreluctant toshare information they mayhavethinking that the questions are just forme. Because of this, we may miss out on some veryimportant or better information that someone else may have to share :)

I do thank you for the thought -- but this board thrives because of allthe good information *everyone* has to share with us -- not just oneperson's opinion.

And of course, everyone knows they can always PM me if they want todiscuss something privately (rabbits only -- nogossippermitted ;))

pamnock wrote:
AsI've mentioned in the past, I don't want a question/answer thread withmy name on it. It has a tendency to make otherpostersreluctant toshare information they mayhavethinking that the questions are just forme. Because of this, we may miss out on some veryimportant or better information that someone else may have to share :)


Sorry - I guess I missed the post where you said that. Ok....I'll let this thread die - but thanks for your input.


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