Questions before I buy

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Mar 19, 2005
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Hello everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has any good advice dos/donts before I make the choice of buying a rabbit.

I have wanted one for a long time now but I dont really know much aboutthem so I was worried I would not be able to care for them like theyneeded. My fiance also said no, that our chinchillas are enough... whatdoes he know :)

Anyway, its getting to be easter, and at the mall there has a been abreader selling all his poor bunnies to all the snotty nose childrenthat think they are cute. I of course want to save them all with myanimal love that I have. They have a jack rabbit there that I have hadmy eye on for awhile but didnt know if this would be a good choice ornot. I dont know how big of a cage they need (the one it is in is aboutthe size of his body and thats it... poor guy...). My fiance alsothinks they stink and wants one that is potty trained. How wouldyou/can you do this with them? Should I buy him? From these people?They have about 50 of them and all different kinds/colors. The ladysaid they have been doing this for years...

I guess any help or advice would be great. I dont really know where to start. Thanks!
i cant give you advice on whether to buy from that place or not as i myself bought from a pet store... oh the rest though.. ;)

rabbits dont really stink imho if you keep their litter boxes clean.they can definitly be litter box trained :) my two are prettygood about it and only pee in their litter boxes, and 95% of their poosalso.. a few end up on the floor, but bunny poos are easily swept up!the actual poo smells a little bit.. some have mentioned an onion smellwhich i notice too.. it can be strong at times, but it's not a 'poo'smell lol that you would expect from say a dog orcat.. getting them fixed also cuts down on odoursand bad litter box habits. we trained our two by watchingwhere they would go in their cage at first, and then just putting alitter box there. any poo mistakes were immediatly swept up and put inthe litter box.. they got the idea very quickly.. you might have tostart out with more than one litter box, but after they get the ideayou can cut down to one or two.. (or just the one to startwith if it's in their cage.. we play it safe and have two on the mainfloor and one in the kitchen where they hang out a lot.. i mean. wehave two bathrooms lol why not them? :) )

cant advise on cages myself as mine have 24/7 run of my house.. oh wehave a huge dog crate that they go in to eat and get water, and it hasa door that can be latched in the unfortunate even that one is injuredand needs to be kept separate.. but they definitly dont live in there..lots of people here use those NIC cubes to make awesome cages though..there's a cage thread on here, maybe someone knows where it is and canbump it up.

check out the thread at the top of this forum 'A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care'.. very helpful..

but really, only you can make the decision.. not all bunnies are cuddlytypes so be aware you might get one that will never be comfortablebeing picked up or even petted! for us it's not even likehaving a pet.. it's more like roomies lol.. who occassionally demandattention on their terms :) they are the kings/queens.. we are simplytheir subjects ;)
Hi IndigoDay,

It took me about 3 months, before I got my rabbit. Duringthat time I researched, spent time on this forum, and read up onanything I could on rabbits. So you could say I didn't get mybunny on impulse. I adopted mine from a vet who refuse to putdown a bunny because the owners didn't want it anymore.

It can be alot of can be some, it is well worth it.

I can't tell you what to do, but consider what you will be doing in thenext 5 years with your bunny. Good luck with your decision.

Rainbows! :)
If thesepeople will let you pick up thebunnies ask tohold some of them andsee who reacts thebest with you , welike to think we pickthe critter but haha they actually pickus . give it a tryits worth it and inthe end you will havea life long friendwho will keep you onyour toes.

example : I had acouple come in today who wanted a bunny, i let them pick up afew while i was rightthere they got to the4 th kit and whenthe an picked itup it snuggled intohis hand and imediatelystarted licking his hand (kisses ) the guy wasthrilled and said this isthe bunny i wouldlike, whencan he come home lol,bunny struck at 10 paces !!!.
First off bunnies do not stink if they are takencare of. I have six house rabbits and do not believe in keeping myfamily in cages and they all use there litter boxes well.What you describe at this mall is horrible, and I am so upset rightnow. I think you should go rescue a bunny from this person who ismaking money off these innocent creatures. Your heart is in the rightplace, but bunnies are hard work and no one should tell you otherwise. They are sensitive and loving and emotional creatures.Visit the house rabbit society's website, they have excellent links onpotty training, as well as articles contained within there site. IT ISIMPARITIVE THAT YOU FIX OR SPAY YOUR RABBITS it improvesthere litter habits in ways you cant imagine. Hay is important as wellas fresh vegetables daily. I hope this helps.