Questions about pregnancy

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Active Member
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Delta County, Colorado, USA

I had bred my CA doe with my NZ/CA, which we thought initially was successful...

Around the same time, I had purchased a flemmish who was supposed to be pregnant...

So, we figured, maybe we got confused and gave both girls an extra week...(once the due dates came and went)...still nothing...

So with that being said, at around 38 days...I decided to breed them again...

My flemmish seems fine...was receptive...even seemed happy about CA doe however...was having none of it...especially with my CA buck...

So I put her in with my NZ/CA buck...and she was a bit snooty...but let him do the job...2 times...

This morning, I go out to her pen...and hair is everywhere...she had given birth to 1 very large baby very long...and it was stiff and dead...

I had palpitated her when she was between 10-14 days...and I felt nothing...I even checked to see if I could feel anything within the days surrounding her due date...could not feel anything...and no movement either...

This was not her first time...but was with us...

Could the breeding stimulated the birth of the dead I know semen can stimulate labor?

Would she have taken since I bred her...or will I need to breed her again in a few days?


The breeding definitely could have stimulated the birth of the dead one which is a very good thing at least you know it is out. As far as if she took for the second breeding I am not sure. There could be a chance she won't take. If you feel confident in your palpating abilities I would wait and palpate in 14 days exactly from when u bred the second time.

For her in the future I would try to breed her more than twice. If she had trouble delivering one baby you can decrease the size of the kits by increasing the litter size. If she has smaller babies there's a smaller chance of one getting stuck. We always breed three times then wait 1-2 hours and rebreed three more times.

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