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Jul 12, 2005
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Hello,I was wondering if someone can help me..My bf and I saw 8 weeks old little girl at the pet shop and we have tohave her.. we already have 1.5 years old boy and he hasnt been neuteredyet.. Is it ok to put them in the same cage or is it best just to putthem in separate cages??? Thanks
I'd keep them in separate cages until you'resure they're bonded. she's a little thing, it would behorrible if he hurt her :( neutered or not, bunnies can stillfight
Spiced77 is right. Keep themseperate. Even if they don't fight, he might try to breed herand he could really hurt her. And you really should keep anew bunny (new to the house) seperate from your other bunny for acouple of weeks to make sure she isn't bringing in any illnesses orparasites that your other bun can get.

They should be in seperate rooms for a little while until you're sureshe is healthy. And keep in mind that when you gte your buckneutered, he still has to stay away from her for a period oftime. (Everything isn't "shut off" right away!).
I think you should start looking for a Vet toneuter your little boy, ASAP!!! This will calm his hormonesdown (figure about a month for his sperm to totally die) and yourlittle girl will be much safer. In the meantime, separatecages is a must. Charlotte
I thought about neutering him for a long time..guess now is the time.. right now I put them in separate cages.. buthe's really curious about the newcomer...
Of course he is curious &HORNY!!! Your little girl can get pregnant as early as 3months. I don't think you should take the risk of endangeringher life by allowing "what comes naturally" at so young anage. Charlotte

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