Question..What kind of adult person loves rabbits (I mean personality)

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Nov 30, 2005
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I think thatI loves rabbits because they are so vulnerable...they have little or no voice..they areexquisitely beautiful and fragile. I think that I'm a very sensitve person and that I want to protect them. They do no harm to anything but peoples gardens. They can't bark or meow for food. They are the most vulnerable of animals
I've often told folks that if I could only use one word to describe myself - it would be "nurturing". Art says I love the rabbits so much because I need to have someone or something dependent upon me. I agree with him a little bit- but not totally.

I think I'm fascinated with my rabbits because they are each so unique and theyhave their own likes and dislikes. I know which rabbits I can go in and hug and take out of their cage and play with. Others prefer their cage - but they might like to get their ears scratched or their head scratched.....and sometimes - once they're out of their cage for a bit....they find they like it.

I'm actually a shy person - although I don't come across that way online. I tend to be very loyal and will try to keep friendships going even after I've been hurt - because I just hate to give up on folks.

Art likes my rabbits and tolerates them - but he doesn't LOVE them the way I I'm not sure how to answer your question!


P.S. both my shy daughter and my outgoing son love the rabbits too - and she's excited about coming home for spring break so she can spend some time helping with the rabbits!
:)I like to be nurturing too..but I can do that with my dogs and cats....there is somrthing about the rabbits that bring out the most in mywanting to nurture them. Almost no one responded to this question so maybe "rabbit lovers" tend to be private or shy? If so, then I respect that and this thread can end. Thanks Peg for talking about yourself :)
It's very different for me. I don't think of Conker as being vulnerable. He's safe in my house anyway. And he's an adult male animal, and that's pretty much how he behaves. He's lively, demanding, territorial, wilful and despite being pretty much silent is very communicative. Of course I tend to his needs but my relationship with him is more about hanging around and playing together than it is about me nurturing or protecting him. In fact I think if push came to shove he'd have a good go at protecting me.
I've always been a somewhat shy kind of person. When I was young I was painfully shy, and had a rather traumatic childhood as well. So naturally, I turned to animals for comfort and friendship. The day I got my first rabbit - a small grey Dutch from a pet store with a terrible rep. - I fell completely in love. There's something about rabbits that bring out the nurturing, gentle side of a person. They are so dependent upon us to keep them safe from harm; I think it tends to give one a sense of extending unconditional love to another creature. So for me they gave me a feeling of safety, comfort, love, and being responsible for another life...all of the things I was missing as a child.
I spent most of my childhood looking after rabbits, we had a large garden with plenty of space. I would go out to them every day, it was a bit of an obsession for me from an early age. Although we had many rabbits, I loved to go out into the fields below our garden and try to spot a wild rabbit, if I did I would be really pleased!

We moved and eventually our rabbits died, after the last one passed away we didn't get any more. When I moved in with my partner one of the first things we did was go to a rescue centre and get a rabbit. We picked Toby, he seamed really shy but we both wanted him. I think we could identify with him particularly because we were both quite she people. It took a while to gain his trust, but he has really come out of his shell, and is a fantastic little character, he's part of the family.

I think it's quite interesting that others have described themselves as shy.
As for me...

I've had lots of animals (mostly cats) throughout my life, and had the experience of handling many different personalities in animals.

From about age 20, though, I didn't have much desire. I had a newborn baby, and didn't really have the ability to care for much of anyone else. I was a single mom at the time, so taking care of my daughter really consumed my time. (I say, hey, nothing wrong with that!)

A few years ago, I met my now husband, and my family was completed, and things started going a little easier. It was then that my "animal friend itch" started to come back. Now that my daughter had started school, and I found myself wanting to have companionship during the day, while my husband was working. I missed that kind of silent friendship you get with animals.

So, right about this time, the man I was working for had a couple of female cats that were just pregnant...and I suddenly saw my opportunity. I started talking to my husband about it, and realized I had quite a task at convincing him it would be a good experience. (He had gone through bad pet experiences in the past, so wasn't too keen on the idea.) I told him I'd had over 20 cats in my life, and was VERY experienced in what to do and what kind of cat to choose that would be most suitable to our lifestyle, etc. (which was all very true). It took a long time (their whole pregnancy, and then some) to convince him, but he finally gave in.

So, the two girls had their litters. They had four kittens each. I had the priviledge of being there just after the first litter was born, and during the second kitty's litter's birth, so I was able to tell right from the get-go personalities and such. I took care of them during their infant life, and got to spend much time with them. The first litter didn't really respond much to people, so I didn't make any sort of connection with any of them...but the second litter had a little girl kitty that stole my heart. Her name (as deemed by my daughter) was Sunny, and it was obvious from the start that SHE chose ME. We really only wanted to take one kitty home, but noticed that she kept her brother very close to her, the two of them always bathing each other, playing together, just inseparable. So, of course, this little guy, later deemed Hobbes, came home with us, too.

The two of them have been such a joy, I really didn't expect to ever desire another pet, but the "itch" came back. I started remembering the gerbils I'd raised as a pre-teen, my three little triplet boys that lived almost five years. So, I started looking in pet stores that my husband and I passed (much to his protest), but couldn't find ANY gerbils. Upon finding out they were illegal in California, I was a little downhearted, but figured it was for the best...we had two cats, after all!

Then I met Bunny. This little gray sweet creature. I've mentioned before how we met, but if you haven't read that (though I don't know how you could've missed it...I feel like I so dominate the forum, suffice it to say, some girls that go to my daughter's school brought their new litter of bunnies, and Bunny came right up to me, and chose me JUST LIKE my little Sunny did. I couldn't say no.

It took just one night to convince my husband (who I think by this time figures he might just as well say, and a couple days later, we picked her up and brought her to her new home. Things have been so wonderful. She's so brave, and sweet, and loving...I had no idea life with a bunny could be this way!

Thanks you guys for helping me have confidence in handling and caring for my sweet Bunny. You've all been such a great help!! :D

Sorry for the long story, but I thought I would tell the whole story, not just part. :D

Edit: Forgot to sign my name...

Im not really understanding your question.

But at school I use to get bullied an awful lot, which really made me upset in school and very shy. My parents tryed to make my life at home as happy for me as possible because of this, so we had a house full of animals :Dlol. They all made me feel that someone actually did care if I got up in the morning(to feed them) and they realy comforted me when I cuddled them after school. I was always really happy to go home to my animals at the end of a school day. I just wanted comforting.

Out of all the pets I have had, I would say I prefer rabbits and gerbils.

Rabbits, because I think they rely on you more than any other small animal, and you can really get a bond with them. You can really tell what they are thinking. I could never tell with my hamsters etc.

Gerbils, because they are just so fun! I love the way they jump and run and dig anywhere and everywhere. (hmm starting to sound like a rabbit now). Maybe I like both of these animals because they are similar in that way. Ive had such fun childhood memories with my pet gerbils.

But please can you try to explain your question again, im sorry :?:?
:)All I meant is that some people are "dog" people and some people are "cat " people so I was curious as to whether there is a certain type of person that is a "rabbit " person. For ex. dog people generally like the sloppy affection of dogs and cat people many times like the independence of cats etc. I have all types of animals so I think that I am an "animal" person..but I am more into my dogs and rabbits than I am into my cats and bird
As a kid I always loved rabbits and was attracted to them far more than cats or dogs - I couldn't say why just something that appealed.

I had a rabbit as a kid and fell head over heels in love with him - I couldn't believe that a little animal could have such a personality and provide such companionship and understand a young girl as much as this rabbit did. He was wonderful. That got me hooked to rabbits and on my second rabbit I discovered even more that all rabbits are very different, just like humans. My second rabbit was shy and meek and enjoyed her own company far more than the company of myself or other animals, sadly she escaped and was never seen again but I felt that I understood rabbits and was totally hooked on them.

My two bunnies now are totally different to the earlier bunnies who added to my childhood and I think i got drawn in by their incredible personalities, anyone who thinks a rabbit isn't capable of being unique is wrong.

I understand a rabbits vulnerability but I think all animals are vulnerable. Rabbits are very misunderstood and I fell in love with them because every rabbit holds a new surprise for me - a personality trait or habit that's so unique. I think I was BORN a rabbit person and it was always in my nature to love rabbits.
I like rabbits because they remind me in their personality. I was very shy when I was little and kinda scared of lots of stuff. I am very attached to my parents and I talk to my mom3 times a day, so I guess I kinda need to feel protected by having my family around.
I do think rabbits are loyal and care for their owners. I am not a cat or a dog person but I think often rabbits have a very special bond with their owners which is far more difficult to understand by an outsider than the bond someone might have with a dog which is a more obvious bond. Hope that made sense!
My husband and I chose to have a rabbit, as opposed to a dog, because we work a lot (I will be soon), and we travel a lot in the summer, and also take weekend trips. We have no kids, and we can leave the bun alone for a few days in her cage (in winter), and in summer she's outside, and the neighbours check on her 2xdaily. She's pretty independent, and I suppose that's the reasoning. A dog would require too much work/time. When we married, we were petless for about 8 years. We decided before we married not to have kids, so we could spend time travelling. We don't like to be tied down. Also, we like bun because she's quiet. My husband needs silence for daytime sleeping. Bun is also less expensive to feed.
I chose rabbits not just because they're completely adorable, but because I can relate to them in many ways. I am a very curious, anxious, protective and a somewhatshyperson. In fact, I often feel like prey in today's society. The list goes on. But my personality is definitely that of the rabbit. :D

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