Question regarding the amount of Timothy Hay

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I have had Miffyalmost a month now and it seems to me that she is just not eating a lotof hay. I bought a 15 oz bag of Oxbow Timothy hay when I gother just about a month ago and I would say that there is half the bagleft. To me, it smells like hay and 98% of it is stillgreen. How long will hay stay good, should I try some newhay? She is still eating her pellets though, and althoughslowly, she is eating her romaine and cilantro. Her poops arefine. She gets outside in her cage if the day is warm enoughfor her, and when she is out there she has hay and someromaine.

She still binkies when she is out,sometimes even outside in her new cage. If anyone can helpme, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.

p.s. I thought I would include a quickpick of her relaxing on the a/c vent after she had run around thelivingroom for a minute.
My rabbits seem to lay off the hay at times, but mostly they gobble it down like there's no tomorrow. Could be it's a bad bag.

Maybe take away the romaine and other treats for a few days and see what happens.
I think rabbits just have different preferences.Harold can't get enough hay, but Judy just nibbles on occasion (andshe's a huge pig with any other kind of food). She prefers her pelletsand her greens. I know there have been many debates on here whetherfeeding hay is necessary at all, so if she isn't eating much of it Iwouldn't worry. As long as she's still eating her pellets and her bowelmovements seem fine, she's probably fine too. I feel like most animalswill regulate themselves as necessary if given a variety of foods inmoderation. Sure, they'll choose a favorite, but if they feel the needfor fiber and it's available, they'll most likely eat it. She soundshealthy and happy to me! It was so good of you to take her in.