i had posted this a bit back askingabout weak ankles in a flemish , about kipper. i had noticedhis front ankles seemed to look a bit funny! well im not theonly one to have noticed, i got this email from the breedertoday!!! so it looks as if it may be a problem. ihad emailed her shortly after getting kipper as we took him to the vetfor diarreha, and he had fecal tested and was told he was loaded withcoccidia. he was immediatly treated and has not had anyproblems since but this is some of the issues the breederhad: read below!
I've got a couple of questions for you.
1) Does Kipper have crooked front feet? Over half that litter had
them. I've never seen such a thing, and I'm sorry if he does. Hopefully
by living inside, he won't have a rough time.
2) Someone is dropping a rabbit off here tomorrow. It's been a house
pet for 2 years, and they were just going to let it go. As if it could
live in the suburbs for more than a day? I told her to bring it here.
I was hoping you might take it. It's a female, and must be at least 2.
I have no other info. It comes with a kennel. Is there a way we can
get her to you?
3) My friend's son bought a rabbit last semester in college, and
brought it home. It's a Dutch. I haven't seen it. Barbara does NOT want a
rabbit. She has a ton of cats that she doesn't like, either. She
wants us to take it. I don't want a Dutch. So, again, if I take that
rabbit in, can we find a way to meet to give it to you?
As for the coccidia, I lost all 9 baby angoras, a black Flemish buck, a
6-year-old Fuzzy Lop, a sandy baby, a Fuzzy baby, and a 2-year-old
fuzzy doe to it. We got medicine, but the heat was so high, and the
neighbor kids passed it on from rabbit to rabbit before we could stop them
from petting them all. I'm sure some rabbits were saved, but I lost all
my precious angoras. They were small before they got sick, though, so
I think 9 was too many for her to take care of. Next time, I'll breed
2 at a time so we can foster some off if that happens. We have 5 new
angora babies and they are huge. They were born after the epidemic, and
we make the kids (and adults) use anti-bacterial gel after playing with
all rabbits, so I think we're over this mess. I'm grateful for your
email to let us know what it was.
We hope to go to a show in Cherokee, Iowa, Sunday, but the weather
there is threatening to be hot, rainy and humid. Fuzzy rabbits don't do so
well in that, and the person we really want to see won't bring her
fuzzies out in hot weather. Not sure it's worth it with these gas prices!!
Anyway, please let me know if you can help us out with these foster
bunnies. I can't sell the ones we have, so I don't think I can even give
these other two away.
Hope your bunnies are all doing well, and your family, too!
so after reading this, is there anything inthe future we may have to do for kipper to insure he wont be inpain. his right front ankle has no hair due to how he has towalk on it. he is kept 90% of the time on carpet.the time he spends in his cage, there is wood on the bottomonly a very small section of wire to let poopies fall through, otherthan that though we have wood in there and blankets that he layson. any advise extremely appreciated!