Question.....Is this normal?????

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
Reaction score
middle penninsula, Virginia, USA
Hey everyone. I have two mini rex mix rabbits that are just being used as pets. They were our first rabbits shared a cage for the week we had them. Since then they have been in seperate cages, but the cages are right next to each other so they see/smell each other all the time. When I take them out to the runs I always put them in different runs (my runs are set up so that each bunny has their own area). The last two times they have gone out, Yusei had dug his way into Jack's run and the two binky and play together. Under normal circumstances I would be thrilled that my two pet bunnies get along so well, but they are 4 almost 5 months old, both boys, both fully decended.......shouldn't they be fighting or something by now???? I am not complaining just confused, they fight if placed too closely to any of my other bucks (if put in adjoining runs) but with each other its like they are the best of friends........ Has anyone else had two definate male in tact rabbits stay friendly this long??????????:?
I have never had bucks play together well at that age. Not necessarily fighting, but just a lot of humping and chasing, so I separated them. If the boys are happy playing together though, that's fine. Not totally normal, but under supervision, should be fine. :)
Yep, I have two dwarf bucks who are like this, there cages are next to each other and somehow one always managers to get in the cage with the other, these buck are not intrested in breeding.
Since they are your pets and your are not breeding them I guess it would be safe to let them sare a cage, they will be much happier to.
I was telling a friend tonight that I have three (actually four) sets of intact bucks that live together in cages in pairs. There is some mounting - yes - but no fighting as one is usually submissive naturally.

My Cali boys are almost 2 years old and are brothers. I also have a set of 5 month old mixed breed brothers - and four month old flemish giant brothers and then two totally unrelated bucks who lived together for over a year in Robin's bedroom and got moved to a cage when it got really really hot.

Some boys will just get isn't usual - but hey - it CAN happen.
Very cool. We are in the middle of building a bunny barn to move the rest of my herd out of our living room, and once we do, I am thinking I may make one large NIC cage for the two boys rather than two med cages.
I had an intact pair of males be the best of friends. I was badly bashed about it though because I was told it could be very dangerous since they could fight at any time. To be honest, I'm not sure where I stand on it. I think boys can certainly be good friends but then again neutering them would most likely reduce the risk substantially. I always advocate neutering anyway. Were you planning on having them neutered? Maybe since they are both fully descended, you can have them neutered and then work on housing them together permanently? :) They sound like they really enjoy each other.
I find this quite encouraging to read as I have quite a few intact bucks abd one neutered one that live on their own. I am really hoping to be able to bond at least two of them as one of the intact bucks doesn't seem very hormonal.

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