Well-Known Member
Hey all, I was just wondering something aboutpellets. I'veusing Purina Rabbit Chow Complete for almost ayear now without any problems. Although, Charlie has been having accesscecal pellets for some time now and I'm trying to figure out how tostop it. He gets 1/4 cup pellets daily with unlimited oxbow timothy(which they LOVE!) and a big handful of veggies every other day or so.William never has access cecals, and I can give him unlimited pelletsbecause he doesn't over eat like Charlie. Should I try giving lesspellets to Charlie?? He was weighed when I first rescued him 7 monthsago and weighed in at 5.5 pounds (pretty overweigh for a Mini Rex) Whatdo you think I should do? I've been thinking about switching theirpellets, would that help? What do you guys think about Purina RabbitChow Complete Plus with the extra fiber, but same amount of proten(16%) or what about Kaytee's timothy pellets? What do you guys suggest?Is less than 1/4 cup of pellets ok for a 5 pound bun? These cecals arenasty, and also I'm worried.. I don't want to do the all veggies, nopellet diet because I think pellets have nutrients that they can't getwith just veggies.