Question about litter training

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Feb 28, 2006
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We currently own a 7 month old mini rex who is unneutered. He has begun to figure out how to use the littler box in his cage whenever he is in but we are having trouble trying to teach him to use one outside of the cage. We place his little rbox outside of his cage whenever he is out but he doesn't seem to want to go near it. He has tried to go back into his cage but he is just too small to hop back in. Any ideas of how we can get him to use the litter box outside the cage?


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It sounds like he's littertrained to his cage. Can you give him a ramp or steps to get in and out by himself? My buns rarely use litterboxes that are outside their cages unless they're in the spot that they keep using or one of the "enemy" buns has used it lately. (I have two pairs of rabbits that are kept separate, and there's a big poop war going on.)

I find my rabbits get upset and nervous when they can't get to their cage. If you can find a way to let your bun get in and out of his cage on his own, he might be a bit happier, too.
naturestee wrote:
Welcome to the forum!

It sounds like he's littertrained to his cage.

Sounds like Tootsie's routine as well. She only uses her cage for two things....eating hayand using the litter pan. I put the hay rack over the litter pan so she can do both at the same time. Big wierdo likes to have both ends working at the same time for some reason. Her cage is on the floor, so I removed the door to make it easier for her to get in and out. She still poops around to mark her territory, but only pees in her pan.


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