Question about bunny poop...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Right here..."pointing finger to pa, Minnesota, US
Fergi has had semi-loose stool off and on herwhole life. It doesn't seem to affect her in any way, she always eats,drinks, and poops normally ones in addition to the soft ones. I do notthink that they are the cecotropes although they are quite pungent insmell and bunched up like grapes. I have not added anything new to herdiet and she gets very few treats now days, only her greens at bedtime.I give her endive, parsley, and red-leaf lettuce all mixed together.

I had to bathe her bottom half today because she had some of thesestools stuck in her fur, a couple I had to cut out. My question is,isthis is a harmful pattern for her? Could it be that herdiet is just to rich for her? She gets the Purina complete food, a halftablespoon of calf mana, and alfalfa hay (because she is being pickyabout her hay as of late). Once a week she gets a little canned pumpkinand some oats, and at night her greens as I stated above. Should I beconcerned? In the past I haven't been because she always exhibitsnormal behavior even when passing these stools but I am wondering if Ineed to bring her in to a vet to check on her digestive tract.

Thanks for any help,

Fergi's mom
Have you tried eleminating one veggie at atime? Some bunnies don't do well with a certain type ofgreen. A friend of mine has a rabbit who cannot have romaineor he gets loose stools.

When my rabbit had a bit of the poos I gave him 1/2 tsp of rolled oatsevery day. It can help a lot, but don't over do that cause itcan cause them to get fat.

Both Iszy and Lenci's poops very from day to daydepending on what mommy gives them for treats. Once in awhileI notice a string of pearls and soft stool, but I watch them verycarefully to make sure that it clears up, which it usuallydoes.
Fergi wrote:
...Could it be that her diet is just to rich for her?....
Well, you certainly are commended for giving Fergi a varieddiet. My first reaction is, though, is it might be a bitrich. I like Bo B Bunny's idea of eliminating one item at atime. You might start with eliminating the alfalfa andsubstituting timothy or grass hay.

We have a doe, Mitzie, who tends to need less food than the other buns,and will exhibit symptoms similar to those you describe, if I feed heras much as the other buns. She, herself, tends to eat lessand is very picky about what she does eat. I tend to back off a bitwhen she gets loose stools.

Fergi is a Flemish, though, if I am not mistaken and their food needsapparently are greater than normal sized buns. Perhaps, otherFlemish owners here might have more experience and better suggestions.

I have the same problem with Chompers, but I know what it giving him stuff he shouldn't have.

Raisins and apples are the worst, so I don't give him those very often.However, now and then I do, only because he loves them so much. Butthat is few and far between. He doesn't seem to be sick or anything,but the stinky poo is certainly nasty.

Hi Fergi,

Not sure you need to be giving her Calf Manna since she's not aFlemish. The extra protein is necessary for Flemish, but notfor other rabbits, I think. Purina's a good feed with a goodportion of protein, etc. Since she's a new mom, she maybehaving a reaction to that as well.

Not sure that it's necessary to get to a vet. Why don't youtry the extra fiber of the oats, continue with the pumpkin, and givetimothy hay. Would lighten a bit on the vegetables as othershave recommended and see if that will help dry her up a bit.


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