Question about breeding

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Earl Grey, Saskatchewan, Canada
Okay, so I have read that if a person were to breed a pure bred rabbit to a mixed breed or even a different purebred rabbit, of course they would be a mixed breed. But if I bred the offspring of the purebred and the mixed, to purebred again, and again, they would be considered purebred again? Am I understanding this right or wrong?

So, my two does are Pure mini rex, my buck is Mini Rex/Holland Lop. They are due to have their kits any day now. I am looking at a pure Mini Rex Buck right now, so if I were to breed the offspring when they are ready to the new mini rex, and then their off spring, would they be considered mini rex? I am now confusing myself lol.
Rabbits are considered pure bred if all the ancestors in a 3 generation pedigree are the same breed. So that is the parents, grand parents and great grand parents. Of course the rabbit should meet the breed standard (like a mini rex would need to have rex fur and no lop ears), so you need to be selective on which rabbits you breed.

Since it does take a while to get back to pure bred rabbits and most serous breeders won't want to but rabbits who are not purebred, these is not much point in mixing. Some breeders will mix to improve something in their lines like body type, fur or colour, but they tend to mix breeds that are similar.
Plus, the Holland lop in there could pose problems, because of the lop ears. I have no idea how many generations you'd have to go before the lop earred gene wouldn't be in there. So even if your 3rd generation kits were "technically" purebred, any lop ears wouldn't be to the breed standard anyway.

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