question about breeding

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Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington, USA
My doe has had diharea for a couple months nowand i was wonderin if i could still breed her cuz i read sumthin thatsaid u cant if thety have diharea. i think it is juss stress i dont knoif she is sick. she has always had diharea. how can i stopit?:?:(
Do not breed your doe if she is sick,this will only weaken her even more then she is now. If she is sickwhile she has babies this may kill her. Breeding isnt a good idea ingeneral if your rabbit isnt a purebred and a pedigreed bunny. Even ifshe was, there are so many things that could go wrong, such as themother could kill the babies, she may not feed them, or she could havea stuck kit, these are all things that you should think about beforeyou breed.

yes i show rabbits this si my lst litter. theyare purebred havanas from great lines. i dont believe that breeding isbad but thank you so much for the advice. i would really like to knohow to stop her diahrea..she will have beautful babiea i hope some day.
Buck Jones mentioned something that I rememberedwhen one of mine had what appeared to be diarrhea over a long period oftime. He said that one of his rabbits was prone to "soft and excessivececotropes" that could be mistaken for it. Sure enough, I laterrealized that's what it was. It looked like diarrhea, though.

That's an idea, anyway.


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