Quarantining New Fosters

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Buzzard Twp., Ohio, USA
How long do most of you quarantine newrabbits? I am bringing in 2 foster rabbits tomorrow who werefound outdoors in a suburban neighbor. They have been vetchecked and pronounced healthy.

I prefer to keep them in my quarantine room for a while.There is hot running water for wash up etc. What is a goodlength of time for a general quarantine on healthy looking newbies?

seniorcats wrote:
How long do most of you quarantine new rabbits? Iam bringing in 2 foster rabbits tomorrow who were found outdoors in asuburban neighbor. They have been vet checked and pronouncedhealthy.

I prefer to keep them in my quarantine room for a while.There is hot running water for wash up etc. What is a goodlength of time for a general quarantine on healthy looking newbies?

If they have been pronouncedhealthy by a savvyvet I would say 1 week is sufficient, but if you have any questions aboutit 2 weeks is best , I alwaysdo 2 weeks just in case , younever know with someof thediseases out there , some cantake up to 2 weeks to show .
I generally quarentine a minimum of 2weeks.Most bacterial/viral infections will showthemselves in that time, but fungal infections and some parasites cantake longer. But if the vet already checked them, I'd think 2weeks is enough.

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