Q to people living in Ottawa area

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Does anyone living in the Ottawa area mind telling me where I can getWoody Pet? and also recommend a good vet? I've called around to getestimates on spaying.. and i'm tempted to go with the cheapest one cuzi'm a student right now and i don't want my parents paying.. but thenthe more expensive ones were telling me how they'll put in an IV tokeep fluids in her since rabbits are more prone to be allergic to theanethestic.. or something.. and one said they prefered doing lasersurgery...i know the laser surgery is not really neccessary but is theIV? they make it seem like she'll die without it...i feel soconflicted!!

also, theother day ifinally got to gotocostco (after begging my mom to call her friend who had amembership)to buy some creative cubes to make a bigger cage..only to find them out of stock! @_@!!!! taking care of crescent justhasn't been easy!!T_T i just feel like falling downand laughing.. lol

I'm not in your area - sorry- BUT - I love your avatar. What type of bunny do you have?

Good luck in finding the supplies in your area - our nearest Costco/Sam's is three hours away.....

i would hope they'd put an IV in.. people getIV's too when they're in surgery.. you might not have to pay the mostexpensive fee, but dont skimp just to be cheap. you need to make surethe doctor knows rabbits! from the canucks on the board theaverage for a spay is between $150-$200 CDN.
she's a netherland dwarf :)and she'svery curious which is how i took this pic....it's one of veryfew that i've taken...now that she's older .. she doesn't stay in oneplace long enough for me to take a decent picture :(a personwho took care of her when i was away said that she was no shrinkingviolet and the only reason she was able to get her back into the cagewas because she's so curious.. hehehe.. sometimes i wonder .. what if ihad gotten the grey bunny that didn't even move when i touched her.. :p

closest costco is 3 hours away?! :shock:sometimes i feelfortunate that we have a few shopping malls when smaller places likekingston might not.. but other times i don't because we're the capitalof Canada!!! sometimes when i tell ppl where i live, they're like.. "isthat in Japan?" :X
Spiced77 wrote:
iwould hope they'd put an IV in.. people get IV's too when they're insurgery.. you might not have to pay the most expensive fee, but dontskimp just to be cheap. you need to make sure the doctor knowsrabbits! from the canucks on the board the average for a spayis between $150-$200 CDN.

nono i'm not trying to skimp.. i just thought an IV was an extraprecaution that some vets like to do.. i'm just trying to get acorrelation between the price and the doctor....the lowest i got was$166 + tax and the highest was $269 + tax. should i meet with differentdoctors before i decide? i'm not really how it works...
I live in Ottawa and we use Woody Pet. My husbandjust left for several hours....he knows the address and has itbookmarked (I think) on his side of the computer, so I have to waituntil he gets home to find it for me. As soon as he does, though, I'llpost it for you.

We usually buy 2 bags of it at a time. Speaking of which, we may needto make another run for it soon. I think we pay around six dollars for30 pounds of it. One bags last forever, and we have three rabbits.Granted, all three are in the same cage, but we change the box everyother day, to give you an idea of how great the stuff is.

Hello I heard of Ottawa. Is that near Iowa? Because there is a town named Ottawa.

Paiten Bauer
thank you thank you thank you stephanie!! i look forward to your post!!

nope, this ottawa is not near iowa! it's up north in canada :)
Ok, I totally forgot to ask my hubby, but I'm writing a note now and leaving it by the computer so I can ask him! So sorry!!

I think the place is called Country Depot, but for the life of me cannot remember what street it's on.
I found it!!!!

Here is the address and phone number for you. :)

Country Depot

4836 Bank Street,

If you do a Mapquest, you can get good directions there. I havedirections from my place, which obviously wouldn't work for you.