Active Member
Does anyone living in the Ottawa area mind telling me where I can getWoody Pet? and also recommend a good vet? I've called around to getestimates on spaying.. and i'm tempted to go with the cheapest one cuzi'm a student right now and i don't want my parents paying.. but thenthe more expensive ones were telling me how they'll put in an IV tokeep fluids in her since rabbits are more prone to be allergic to theanethestic.. or something.. and one said they prefered doing lasersurgery...i know the laser surgery is not really neccessary but is theIV? they make it seem like she'll die without it...i feel soconflicted!!
also, theother day ifinally got to gotocostco (after begging my mom to call her friend who had amembership)to buy some creative cubes to make a bigger cage..only to find them out of stock! @_@!!!! taking care of crescent justhasn't been easy!!T_T i just feel like falling downand laughing.. lol
Does anyone living in the Ottawa area mind telling me where I can getWoody Pet? and also recommend a good vet? I've called around to getestimates on spaying.. and i'm tempted to go with the cheapest one cuzi'm a student right now and i don't want my parents paying.. but thenthe more expensive ones were telling me how they'll put in an IV tokeep fluids in her since rabbits are more prone to be allergic to theanethestic.. or something.. and one said they prefered doing lasersurgery...i know the laser surgery is not really neccessary but is theIV? they make it seem like she'll die without it...i feel soconflicted!!
also, theother day ifinally got to gotocostco (after begging my mom to call her friend who had amembership)to buy some creative cubes to make a bigger cage..only to find them out of stock! @_@!!!! taking care of crescent justhasn't been easy!!T_T i just feel like falling downand laughing.. lol