Q about bunnies and gardens

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Saratoga, New York, USA

I am rather new....I posted a little while ago about mynew bunny (Mindy) that I thought might have been pregnant...turns out,that she wasn't...she is just really lazy and verychubby...:)

Well, the Spring weather has finally arrived and I am in the process ofplanning my gardens. I usually plant an herbgarden, veggie garden and wild flower garden. I have an extraspace where I can plant an additional garden and thought I could makeit a 'bunny garden'....

Are there any plants that aren't bunny safe?Also, Mindy is a house bunny, is it okay to let her have time in herown garden outdoors?



Hi Ericka,

Check out the Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care post and you'll find alink to safe foods for rabbits. It lists unsafe plants aswell. Will bring back a post entitled Planting yourrabbits' garden for other ideas.

I don't currently have a compost pile started,but have been wanting to start one. I read in the bumpedthread that you can use the bunny poo for fertilizer- how about theshavings too (aspen)? Has anyone ever added the shavings totheir compost before? It seems like a waste to just throwthem away with the trash....I would much rather feel as though I was'recycling and reusing'....

I add all of ourtree limb shavings to our compost pile. We run it through a chippermachine that shreds it really fine then we put it in the compost pilewith everything else. I was going to ask everyone about the Woody Petin the compost pile...There shouldn't be any reason to not add it tothe compost pile, right?

By the way, welcome Ericka!
I believe you and I think along the same lines!

woody pets in thecompost will be fine , aspen will befine also , basic is they areboth small partical that willbreak down even farther , adding richnessand texture to the compost. Besure to turn your compost over everyfew weeks and add moisture when necessary .
RaspberrySwirl or gypsy,

do either of you have a compost pile? What type ofcontainer/enclosure do you use? I am currently reading up ongetting one started and wondering what people have had luck using....
luvbuns wrote:
RaspberrySwirl or gypsy,

do either of you have a compost pile? What type ofcontainer/enclosure do you use? I am currently reading up ongetting one started and wondering what people have had luck using....
Hi Ericka!

I've had a compost pile for years. All of my yard and garden waste goes into it except evergreens and the tomato plants.

I used pallets (aka, skids) to enclose it. They work really well. Verysturdy, but come apart easily when necessary. I stood them on end andjust lashed them at the top corners. Unlash the front one and drop itdown for easy access.

Hi Jim

I have easy access to pallets...perhaps I will use those. Myconcern is the amount of space they will take up. I'm sure Iwouldn't have a problem filling it, between gardening, mowed lawn,rabbit shavings, food waste (we're a family of five)- it would probablyoverflow. :)

Do you turn your pile over often or do you just leave it alone?

Thanks for the great info! I am going outside this afternoonwith my 4 year old, and I think he and I are going to get started (haveto do a lot of raking and weeding)...

Our compost pile works really well.

It's 8'x4'x4'. You can also cut the pallets down to make it any size you want.

There's a constant level of 3 feet of compost for about the past 5 years. It just keeps on'postin.

I only mix in and turn over the top. The rest of the pile works itself.Sometimes you can see the "smoke" over the pile on a cool morning. Evenin the wintera light snow usually melts right off of it, too.
I cheat like hecklol i just putrabbit droppings in the garden and let itdo its magic that way , seeRabbit droppings unlike cowor horse droppings is acold fertilizer , meaningit doesnt get hotenough to burn tender plants ,and can be actually usedstraight from the sorce, OH!!! and if youhave Roses side ressthe rose bushes with itfor beautiful roses!!!
Jim, I guess youneed to give me some pointers. :?We've been working on oursfor two seasons now. Last year I burned the heck out of a bunch of myplants, so obviously my compost was still too hot. This year when Iwent to the pile that should be ready I can't figure out how to get tothe stuff at the bottom...Also when I go to turn the piles they arealways so dry and mildewy. I went to turn it for the first time thisseason and even after the wet winter it was only damp a few inchesdown. After that it was dry and mildewed. No composting from lastfall's debris at all.
