Jaken wrote:
Last thursday I look out my window and I see Ruby bringing grass into the hutch. Later I got outside to look, and it looks like she's building a nest. There was fur and everything. The next day I noticed Max following on and off allday, but Ruby isn't interested.And she's also constantly digging. From what I've read this is all a sign of pregnancy. (I've been trying to collect the money for a neuter.) I was starting to get a little worried.
Then yesterday morning I let them out to burn off some energy. Then I notice Ruby on top of Max. So now I'm verry confused. I havn't gotten around to sexing them agian. They were young when I got them.
Mounting is a sign of establishing dominance, so everybunny mounts everybunny. Only girls build nests -- ones going through true pregnancies and false pregnancies. I'd separate them immediately just in case it's the latter.
However, given Max's behaviour,Ruby is probably pregnant.
(Boys are slower to mature than girls, although they're probably both old enough by now). Having a litter this young isn't good, and the brother/sister pairing is worse, they can have all sorts of faults and health issues. I'm not sure I'd want to pass that on to anotherfamily. If you're not up for an emergency spay,hopefullyshe'll survive the birth, the litter will be small and you can havea everybunny fixed and live with youhappily ever after.
Babies are born 31 days after mating.They usually pull fur a few days before the birth, but a mother that young and inexperienced couldbuild a few nests over a week or more. But be prepared for a litter very soon just in case, and make sure you have Max FAR away from her. She can get pregnant again immediately after giving birth.
If you're from afarm family, you probably knowwhat a bad labour looks like. Rabbits should only take a matter of minutes to deliver. After 20 or 30 minutes of it, she'll likely be in trouble.Watch for her to go pale or cold, any excessive bleeding, etc.
She may also push the kits out of the nest or stomp on them.
She should have a nest box -- you can put the nest in it and she should leave it there, although she may build a new one. It should be high enough to keep the kits in but not so high that she has a long jump to get in it, you don't want her landing hard on the kits.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Good luckfrom the left coast! :goodluck
sas :clover: