Putting together my new FERRET NATION!

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
YAAAAY! I have been waiting for this day for....EVER.

I have gone through 3 rat cages over the last 10 months. I should have purchased a Ferret Nation, but I always thought it would be too big and bulky. Well, now that I have a bunny/rat room....no cage is bulky :biggrin2:. The cage (FN141) has room for 2 more boys...which will probably come LATE this year from the registered breeder in town. Don't tell Ryan...he doesn't know :lookaround.

I'm off to go put this thing together and decorate it for my rattie boys, see you in......30 years :rollseyes.

Good luck! :D The Ferret Nation is the big giant one isn't it?:p I would like to get that if I was allowed ratties, which I'm not. :rollseyes

Goes without saying that pictures will be required when you are done. ;)

Yes, Michaela....it is "THE BEAST" :biggrin2:.

Well, it took me about 1 1/2 hours to put together, then another 1 1/2 hours to decorate...gotta do a sweet decorating job the first time around ;).

Oh, and I almost broke my foot. I have a bruise and a red mark on it. I dropped part of the cage frame on my foot....no help from Ryan :grumpy:.

PICTURES :biggrin2:....





My almost 4 month old kitten in the cage, to show it's size...


Happy Spartie (and kitten, apparently)...


Happy Louie...


Happy Ralphie (he just has a little scratch under his eye)...


Can I move in?? :shock:Oh the life of an 'Amy Rattie'! Looks so cozy if I was rattie sized I'd be sleeping on everything haha! Great job! Hope your foots ok :D
so a cage that size c ould fit 5 rats easy?

I love all the purple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry about yo ur foot, that cage looks like the pieces would be heavy, ouch.
Thanks, guys :biggrin2:!

Leanne...you can move in :p.
Fran...Well, 6 rats...but I wouldn't put more than 5 big boys in there :D.
Missycove....nope...Zaide Kitty loves the ratties :).
Great cage!!! Dana and I just ordered the add on to make ours a 3 level. We are going to have to make some adjustments to the cage; it will be too tall with the wheel base on it so I will have to do some minor wood work and put it shorter base.
Thanks, you guys :biggrin2:. For once, I am actually excited to CLEAN and redecorate a rat cage. I am even going to make new non-chewed hammocks tonight for the new cage....lol.

The FN is seriously the best cage ever.
Dana and I are actually thinking about getting another FN cage (142) to use for the buns. I would probably use the wheel base from the one whe have now and remove the side pannels to make it one long cage; that is if Sammy and Zamboni ever bond. Otherwise I'll just keep it stacked and leave the ramp to the top level up so they can't get into the others area.

At the momment they are really only tolorating each other. They will laydown about a foot or so from the other but no grooming. Sammy has gotten to the point that he will chase Zamboni off if he is by the hay ball or water dish, but he doesn't dare do that when Zamboni has a radishradish!! Had to seperate them for a few hours one day because of that. I really thought Sammy would have bald patchs from all the fur Zamboni kicked and bit of of him.

We have looked at some nice hutches but after measuring them the FN cage is actually bigger and they seem to be built for a single or bonded pair so that is another point to consider.

A NIC cage would be ideal but since we are in an apartment we really don't have the room for one without drastically reducing their and the fert's free range space when they are out of the cage. And again if they don't bond that would mean 2 seperat cages too.

I really need to win the lottory!!!
I have looked over my FN cage, and it really isn't a cage for a bunny....unless you put two FN 141's side by side (by detatching the side bar panels, seen it done for piggies)...but by that time, you might as well spend less money and build a NIC cage.

A single or double level FN just doesn't seem right for a bunner :?. I can't picture even my 3lbs Lionhead comfortable in the space.
Those cages really are sweet! I have an older FN in my garage, from when I had rats. I hate to get rid of the cage but at the same time I can't commit to rats right now either.
Marco and Polo were my berkshires -

Romper, Tromper, Stomper & Boo were my dumbos (does anyone recall that kids story?)

Velcro and Ace were my hairless.

If I can find any of their pictures online I'll show them off, but I think I lost them when I switched computers and my old online photo host went under. I lost TONS of pictures of my past pets which was really horrible since I had no in hand paper copies. :(