Putting ONE bunny on a diet...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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How can I go about putting one of my bunnies ona diet? My handsome little (big) guy, Shorty is getting a biton the plump side. Star is beautiful. Perfectsize. They live together and share food, hay, water andpumpkin. How can I modify what just ONE of themeats? :?
I had the same problem with Norman andKoda. They were both pleasantly plump and both needed a diet but Kodamore than Norman.

I would let Koda out to play and shut the cage door. I fedNorman and a half hour later I would switch. Koda will eat all thepellets and leave Norman nothing.I decreased their pelletsand gave them unlimited Timothy hay.

Now that they have lost a couple ounces each Imeasure their pellets and unlimited hay. I don't know if this wouldwork for Shorty and Star but it did for Koda and Norman.


Hey Tina! :p

I am happy to give them ALL the veggies they want. I think it is the pellets and the hay...?

I get all kinds of different info no matter who I ask. My vetsays growing bunnies should have all the pellets and alfalfa hay theywant - up to one year old. Then, pellets should be limitedand the hay should be switched to timothy hay. Shorty& Star are about 8-9 months old. What do youthink? OH! And what about pumpkin? Isthat fattening? Also, I tried to close one in the cage tofeed, but they won't eat if they aren't together. They arelike bestest friends forever! heeheee

OK mental brain freeze, what breed are they again?

Are you giving them alfalfa because if they are full grownalready the alfalfa is very rich and will add weight. Timothy would beyour best bet.

You can also try dividing the amount of pellets you are givingnow in half. Give them half in the morning along with the unlimitedhay. Give them the half of the remaing pellets in the evening. See howthey do that way.

The canned pumpkin does have sugar and such but as long as youare giving them a teaspoon a week or even every other week it shouldn'treally be a factor.

I hope this makes sense.

You have Dutch, right? They should befull grown by now. I would say start switching their hay totimothy and feed pellets like Tina said, half in the morning and halfin the evening.

I'm working from the other end of the problem right now. Lokiis down to a good weight now, but Mocha tends to be skinny.She's hyper, has a high metabolism, and eats like a dainty littleprincess. She's actually up to a good weight now because thebunnysitters weren't able to let them out as much as I do.Since I don't want to deprive her of her fun, I've been sneaking heroats and bits of alfalfa cubes when Loki isn't looking.
That is SO funny, naturestree! I sneak Star (the thin one) an occasional yogurt chip, when Shorty isn't looking :)

And, yes, you are correct, they are Dutch. From the samelitter, too. It's weird, cause they never used to enjoypellets much, but I switched. I get 10 pound bags at the feedstore, the brand name is "Krause" and they LOVE thosepellets. They eat the pellets more than their veggies ortheir hay :?...sillies!

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