Putting 2 bun's together

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Hi Everyone,

It's been 10 days since Foo Foo Bunny's spay so I let her and Mr.Wiggles out together tonight. There wasn't any fighting but Mr. Wiggleswould NOT stay off her. She started getting frustrated and would stompher foot and run away and he kept chasing her, he would not give it arest so I finally put him in his cage. Is this how it normally goes?

I am not sure what you are asking. IfMr. Wiggles is not neutered, Foo Foo Bunny's alteredcondition will not change his reaction to her, only the fact that shecannot get pregnant.

If you want him to stop "worrying" her continually, and he has not been neutered, you must now consider that step for him.

If they were not bonded heretofore, you must now engage in bonding exercises, as per the following sites:



If they were bonded previously, it is not unheard of for one or theother rabbit to establish or reestablish its dominance over the otheragain.

When all is said and done, we have bonded and altered heterosexualpairs who still mount one another on occasions for whateverreasons. It is behavior that comes and goes, with no apparentill effect on either party.


Thanks for the articles, that's what I need. Thequestion I guess was, in time, will he do anything other than mounther? I'm worried he'll forget to eat ;) They were not bonded before, Ididn't want to risk her getting pregnant.


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