'puter problem, also!

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Buck Jones

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Down the shore in, New Jersey, USA
I'm having a problem ,that it just occurred to me,others may be having also. After I log in and leave for any reason, say to "cut" an addy to insert itin the post reply window, I often cannot return within logging in again, even though, I have never logged out of this site, ever.

Sometimes, it doesn't happen for like a dozen similar incidents, then it may happen with each incident that I leave and attempt to return.

At another forum, similar to this, I been logged in for months and all I need do is click on the short cut icon I've placed on my desk top, or back click if I've been to the site previously during the session at the computer.

As I said, RO, may or may not allow me back in without logging in again, for no apparent reason that I can determine.

It is doable, if not inconvenient at times, to be continually logging in each time I leave and return, all the time, so it would be nice to stay logged in indefinitely, as I spend so much of my time here.

Appreciate anything that can be done, if possible.


I'll certainly inquire about this Buck.I recall you mentioning this before, but having it in writing from your own words helps. I know they'll ask me what "Browser" you're using. What is the vehicle you use to get here?

Does anyone else have this problem??

It would help if someone else did because then we might be able to trace it a little easier.

I'll do my best to help you, Buck. Definitely will have tofind out what browser your using though...Netscape Explorer, Mozilla,etc.?

I never have this problem ... thankfully. :)

However, Buck's problem most definitely sounds like a "cookies"issue. Not certain of how to tell him to solve it though. It also may be that his browser's security settings are set too high (but this is just a guess).
That makes Excellent Sense, BunnyMommy!!

That's certainly the place to start!

Buck, I'm not sure how you can clear your 'cookies'. Usually if you have a utilities program such as Norton, you should run it againso that it'll clear things up. If you do, after you've run it, see if it happens then.

Another way to clear the "cookies" is to look to the top of the browser to the menu bar.

Click on TOOLS

Click on INTERNET OPTIONS in the submenu



Hope this helps! :) (It may not solve the problem, but at least it's a start.)
I was having numerous problems due to spyware,uninvited cookies and adware. I downloaded a free spywareprogram to remove all the adware and spyware. These uninvited programs can alter your cookies and cause log-in problems.Spyware was also to blame for changing many of my computer settings and completely erasing my email address book and erasing all my account info. The spyware even rearranged my favorites folder. My puter was a mess and running slow :(

Here are some helpful hints given to me by a friend. The popup cookies warning that can be set on your computer can be very helpful . . .

In Internet Explorer, click on Tools/Internet Options. Click on the "Privacy" tab,
then click on "Advance" in"Settings". Click the box that says"Override Automatic
Cookie Handling". Then click on "Prompt" in both the First Party Cookies and Third
Party Cookies columns. Click OK, and then click OK to save the new settings in
"Internet Options".

With this setting, everytime a site sends a cookie, a pop up window will
appear, and you will have the option of allowing it or blocking it. There will
be a box with "apply my decision to all cookies from this web site" in the pop
up. Clicking this then clicking allow or block, cookies from this site will be
handled appropriately.

There are three options in the First Party Cookies and Third Party Cookies columns
in the Tools/Internet Options/Privacy/Advance/Settings page: Allow, Block and
Prompt. You can click on "block", and this will prevent receiving all cookies.
I don't recommend this option becausethere are many sites (banking, financial,
some retailers, etc.) that required you to accept their cookies. I use the "prompt"

Also, if by mistake you selectthe"apply my decision to all cookiesfrom this
web site" box and then click "block" to a web site that you later find you need
to allow their cookies, you can go into the Tools/Internet Options/Privacy page,
and near the bottom is "Override Cookie Handling for Individual Web sites".
Click "Edit", and it will show the list of all the sites you have chosen to block.
Just remove the web site from the list.

Another thing you can do is go to Tools/Internet Options, and click on the
"General" tab. In the center of the page is "Temporary Internet files". Click
on "Settings". On the "Settings" page, there is a gage in which you can decide
how much disk space you wish to reserve for "Temporary Internet files".
You can choose a smaller amount of disk space for cookies. I recommend
1% or less of your total hard drive.Also remember, once a week or so,go
to Tools/InternetOptions/Generaland click the"delete cookies" button.

If you don't know the size of your hard drive, click on My Computer on
your desktop, and right click on the "C" drive. Click on "Properties".
This will show the total capacity of the drive, and also how much is used
and how much is free.
Can you help me fix my dishwasher? It is such ade pressing thought to wash all these dishes by hand. My husband thinks there is hay in it blocking it up and is not too happy because I rinsed the bunny dishes in the sink and the plumbing is all connected
Forgot to add the reminder that when you delete every cookie from your hard drive, you will need to log-in again on all the forums to get your desired cookies back.
Please Bunty -- don't even speak to me about washing bunny dishes ;)

Monday is "bleaching day" at my friends house (she's out of town, so bleaching day falls on me). Every single dish and every single rabbit toy must be bleached and dried. Her rabbits must have a million toys!!!!! It took me all Monday evening to bleach, dry and return toys to their rightful owners.

Anyhow -- can you put the dishes in another type of container to bleach and wash them so hay/fur doesn't go down the drain? I know it's not fun by hand, but listening to hubby crab about the blocked dishwasher isn't fun either :? Just be sure to wipe dishes out well before putting them in the dishwasher!

Would you believe the free spysweeper program I downloaded found *****70***** unwanted programs that had "hijacked" my computer via the internet and were secretly running in the background and creating havoc. I was sometimes getting popups so quick that I couldn't close them fast enough to even get to a webpage.

Buck Jones wrote:
Thank you all. Have tried all recommendations. UseInternet explorer, Comcast cable service.Buck

We've mixed topics here between computers and dishwashing, so be sure NOT to bleach the computer ! :p


Wow Pam! :shock: Thanks for the detailed instructions. BunnyMommy is always helpful too.

Buck, I'm gathering that your problem still exists? Have a note into the webmaster about it. Will get back to you as soon as I hear.

Thanks for the answers everyone.


Hey Buck,

Who needs techie's when we've got Pamnock and BunnyMommy??

Will be curious to see if it happens again.


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