Purchasing seeds for spring

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I grow almost all of my plants from seed. I'm about to put in my seed order for the spring, this will be the first year I will buy some seeds with a rabbit in mind so I want to make sure the ones I picked for the 'rabbit garden' are safe.

I looked these up online, but I want a second very informed opinion before I feed these to my baby.

Picked for the rabbit -
German Chamomile
Basil (4 different types to find which he likes best)
Lemon Balm
Roman Chamomile

And, does anyone know about feeding the following (I could not find any reliable information about these):
Sunflower leaves
If it's on the ok to feed list, then go for it! I don't feed any of the flowering plants (don't have a garden), but I do feed any type of herb.

You might want to try buying what you can at the grocery store and introducing it to your rabbit first to make sure he likes it and it doesn't hurt his tummy. My rabbits don't have issues with eating anything, but my boy is picky so planting a wide variety of things would be wasted on him.
So far he eats everything I have given him - except yellow squash :( and if he doesn't eat it I will enjoy growing it anyway. He goes through about 5 cups of greens a day and prefers them to pellets.

Seeds are soooo cheap, compared to paying 98 cents per bunch at the grocery store. Most herb seeds are around $2 a pack and have 100 seeds! Can't wait to have him try out some new home grown veggies!

One thing he is crazy for is Nasturtiums, I had some in my flower bed last summer and he would run into his cage when I would bring them in. He always ate them first, especially the flowers. The night of the first frost as I pulled all of them and he had a feast - he won't get any more until mid-June now. He is so deprived!:biggrin:
Your bunny picked list sounds fine. I think sunflower and lavender are okay, not sure about the others.

You might like to try some pretty looking veg if you want more variety, if you plant it as you would flowers all mixed together you have to look twice to tell. I found purple broccoli gets absolutely covered in bright yellow flowers if you leave it instead of picking or looks good with the purple buds. The whole thing is rabbit edible and is about the only thing that doesn't die back in winter. Some red leaved lettuces are quite decorative and also fine for rabbits. Rocket also has yellow flowers if you leave it instead of picking.

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