Pumpkin and cottonballs surgery and a suprise

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
Dallas, Georgia, USA
They did very well! And there was a suprise when they went in. they found internal testicles in cottonball so she is really a he. They are doing very well and resting right now.
Thanks! I was very suprised. Even right now to me his parts look female. Poor little guy. Haha at least now I know. They are still doing well, pumpkin weighs 4.8 lbs and cottonball weighed 3.6lbs they are ablout 1/3rd franks weight they are all so cute together. Frank was so happy to see them, he didnt eat all day while they were at the vet. He just sat in the same spot and pouted.
Glad to hear Pumpkin and Cottonball is doing well. Amazing what bunnies will hide.

Males do do that under stressful conditions. And since you rescued Cottonball, you have no clue what he went through. It's sort of like us with Willard. We thought he was neutered, but lo and behold, nuggets appeared when he came here and settled in. Relaxing brings down the nuggets.

But anyway, glad to hear they are both OK.

K :)
Thanks everyone. His testicles were actually inside his abdomen and had not dropped yet at all. I don't mind what sex he is either way I love him. I'm glad I know now though.

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