Pulling at stiches

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Tokyo, Japan
Hi everyone,

Today when Poe was sitting on the floor of the study with me grooming, I heard him incessantly pulling at something which I could only assume were his stitches. He got neutered on Tuesday so it has been almost a week since the operation. He hasn't had any issues with his stitches so far, it anything he has been acting like nothing happened at all and being more active than ever!

I have looked at his stitches briefly every day since the operation and they have looked fine, and even today after the pulling incident, his wounds look great with no redness or puss or anything nasty looking! Since he has pulled it though I think there is a bit more of 'loose' thread there which is now annoying him and making him pull more! Argh!

I was thinking later if he is still pulling at them I might just put some Betadine on it which will both make sure it doesn't get infected and also taste bad to him?

I opened up the study to him just now and sat with him while he explored and ran around the apartment to distract him from pulling and it seems to have done the job (for now). He has groomed him self since and only licked down there but not pulled. Hopefully he will get the message that pulling will hurt him! Silly Poe!

Im confused about the stitches you can see... Can you post a picture?
There should not have been any sutures there for him to pull at.... If hes pulling or licking at them he needs to stop. Especially if the vet did external sutures. Cone, inflatable/towel collar, vet/wound safe bitter spray.
Poor Poe. The healing itches and why not pull on what's making you itch. I was lucky. Dr. Joe used glue on my boys. No stitches. But it did itch them as well. I got lucky, no chewing.

If it was me, I'd put Betadine on, just so that loose stitch doesn't get infected and hoping it was yucky tasting. But you really gave him some mental stimulation which was good. Definitely need a bit outside the crate with Mom. Those short time out will get both you and Poe through this.

It will be history soon. So glad it's almost over for both of you.

She did internal sutures and then external ones as well - 2 on one side and 1 on the other. He really hasn't showed any signs of pain or annoyance by them at all until today. His external stitches are coming out in a few days anyway (they said about a week and a bit), so hopefully this shouldn't bring too many consequences for him.

I will try and post a picture here of his stitches as well.
P.s He is fully laid out on my desk now happy as larry... Looks pretty content and in no pain or annoyance from his stitches!

I know the poor little thing, they must be so annoying and strange! He was pulling at them again whilst grooming on the desk after a little nap, so I let him out again to the whole apartment to run around while I got some Betadine ready. I picked up him (which he struggled for a bit more than usual), and I tried to lay him between my legs and pet him into a bunny trance which failed miserably! (my mum can do it but I can't!) I had to end up holding him down on his back and dabbing a makeup wipe cloth soaking in Bedaine on him. He flinched every time I dabbed (I was very gentle though), and I'm not even sure I got any on before he was struggling so much I had to let him go.

I will try again tonight when my boyfriend is home so he can dab while I hold him. His stitches still look okay though, but im sure he is making them much more sore by picking at them!

Should we take the stitches out at 7 days or wait until 10? If he continues to pull wouldn't it be better for him to just take them out?

Anddd once again he is laying flat on his tummy on my desk next to me... What a tough life :p

Toya :mrsthumper:
I would call the Vet. See what he/she says regarding getting them out at 7 days instead of 10. Plus how to stop the pulling of the stitches, which is normal. I had a female dog that when I took her to get her stitches out after spaying, they were already out. Everything was fine. But I would call just for your peace of mind.

K :)
Good idea. I'm sure she will just tell me to keep doing what I'm doing (she is family friends with us and things I worry far too much about my little pets :p :( ), but I will just check with her just in case.

I tried again with some more Betadine. This time I thought, well if last time the pad soaked up too much that I wasn't sure I even got it on, this time I will drip some on the spot and then dap it with the pad! WOW what a pad idea what was :( Betadine everywhere. He was so scared and didn't understand why he couldn't just run away! I haven't seen him pulling at them since though which is a plus! He went into his hutch for a little bit, but is back out now coming to his favourite treats - crackers and bamboo leaves!

We have had the same thing happen with our animals - gone to the vet and OH they are already gone :p Smart little critters....

Toya :mrsthumper:
Ugh this is SO my fear with Abby - I'm getting her spayed soon and she's just the girl to cause the extra stress of pulling at her stitches afterwards. Sounds like Poe is doing better, and glad your vet is a family friend :) I really don't have much advice to give here (clearly) but just wanted to send good vibes your way. He's lucky to have such a good Mommy
Aww thanks I try :p :blushan: He seems to have not gone near them at all today. I have been out and not able to watch him most of the day unfortunately, but hes out now and seems to not be obsessed anymore! I think we will take them out in a few days anyway because we were told 7-10 days and if he is already picking at them then they must be healing fast :D

With our other bunny Mr Dudles who lives with my mum, he didn't touch his stitches once when he got neutered. We had absolutely no problems with him (I don't even think he knew they were there... he seems a bit of an air head compared to Poe :p) and Poe never touched his (well he licked a bit but that was part of his grooming where he had been shaved... would have been confusing for him) until yesterday. So all in all it hasn't been so bad and it hasn't caused any serious drama for him other than going through the trial of me trying to put Betadine on him! :p

I hope the surgery with your bunny all goes well - Good vibes being sent your way too and thank you for mine!

Thanks for all the help, advice and kind words everyone :hug1:bunny18


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