Puddles keeps hiding :(

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Mr. Ici

Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom

Just this week we got a lovely lop eared bunny called Puddles, she's only a baby , just 12 weeks old.

I'm new to rabbits and am looking for some advice.

We keep her inside in a nice big cage but let her out because we want her to roam around and just use the cage as sleeping quarters and a toilet (luckily we bought her from a pet shop who toilet trained her. Phew!).

The thing is, Puddles has a wonder round and then hides under the couch for hours.
I think she's a bit afraid but do we leave her alone or try and stop her hiding?

We don't want her to stay there all the time.

Please help, she would get all the love she ever wanted if she'd only come out and say hello!
Welcome to the forum - Don't worry about her hiding - my rabbits did that and now they are older they meet me at the cage door whenever I walk past! It takes time to begin with I would keep her in her cage and just stroke her and talk to her. Then you can try letting her roam free.

Something I did to get her used to you is let her run around then sit down in the middle with a book and don't look at her just let her clim over you and approcuh you at her own pace - they hate to be ignored and will soon come and see "whats up!"

Hope this helped - keep us updated and now we need pictures!!

Becca x
Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Our girl Mouse did that all the time when we first got her- it sounds like she's just scared. You've had her less than a week, so she will need some time to adjust and settle into her new life with you! Is she eating/drinking/pooping ok? By the way, a pet shop litter training a bunny? I've never known them to do that before, that's good! :D

If it's a problem her going under the sofa, you can block if off with something (a good idea especially if there's springs etc exposed where she could hurt herself. If you do that though, you should make sure she has somewhere else safe to hide- with my bunnies, the tunnels you can buy in pet shops work great, or a great cheap idea is a large cardboard box with a couple of hidey holes cut into the sides, and even some hay in there- the free toys/hidey houses are always the most popular with bunnies!

To get her used to you, a great tip is to just sit/lie on the floor, and keep still and quiet- read a book or something, and let her come to you. Trust me, even our shy-run-at-the-slightest-noise Mouse (that's how she got her name lol!) was climbing on me after a few minutes. It's the best way to get to know your bunny in my opinion, get on their level! :p

I hope some of that helped, and I hope you enjoy the forum! We'd love to see some pictures of Puddles, such a cute name by the way! :)

Jen xx

Edit: I didn't see that Becca had already suggested the book reading thing- sorry Becca!
Aww shes just beautiful!

I agree shes probably scared and thats why shes hiding. Most bunnies love to hide under things since they are prey animals and, if given the chance, will hang out under beds and couches since they are dark and safe. If you dont want her there its best to block it off so she cant get under there.

For buidling trust and bonding with her, try getting down on her level to play. I like to lay on the floor with my shy bunnies and let them hop all over me. I lay ther while Im reading or watching TV and they come over to check you out. Maybe give her a little treat like a raisin when she comes over so she associates you with good things.

Sounds like Puddles found an amazing family. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks for replying, this place seems nice and friendly.
Puddles is slowly coming around and although cautious, now comes and says hello while mooching around the living room; she even ran circles around me and my better half the other day, which is a really good sign and I think means she likes us!

I've been getting down on the floor lots and letting her check me out and I think she is beginning to really like both of us.

She's not quite as toilet trained as we thought though. ha ha...
Hello and welcome to the forum! Puddles is adorable! I also love the name.

One thing I have learned is you don't want to give your bunny too much area to run around in, start out with a small area and gradually increase it.

I would use NIC cubes to create a "play pen", the bunny's toys, a place to hide in, like a box and then sit inside that area. Then as she gets comfortable with her surroundings and you, increase the area a little by using the pen and blocking off areas.


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