Program to help rabbits in NYC

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Jan 30, 2006
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Help!!! I want to start a program to educate rabbit owners on how tocare and groom their pets. Since I live in NYC and I notice there isn'tany program as such, I would like to start on.My intention iswork with either with ASPCA or Animal Care and Control of NYC, where Ican set a date to have pet owners come to the shelter and have theirrabbits groomed and toget a general health check for free. Ifanyone is either interested in helping me jump start this program orwho like to get more information please let me know. I think this willget a great opportunity who loves rabbits. I can also be reach at byemail address are [email protected].
My plan is work with different shelters by setting up eventswhere bunny parents can come and learn all about their bunnies. I would also like to contact different venders like OxbowHay, Petco, Petsmart and American Pet Diner and ask if they would like collaborate with us by sending us free samples that we can give out to educate people about the proper diet that rabbits need to have a good and healthy life. I thinkthis will be a win-win situation for everyone, because different resources
can have their products advertise, shelters will be publicize and of course, pet owner and their rabbits will be much happier. Ultimately, my goal is to have as many shelters as possible to adopt this program and to make it their own. If you or if anyone is interested please email me at [email protected]. I would to have this program jump-start as asap, especially since Easter is right around the corner!!!