Professor Pumpkin

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Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Colour: Creamy white mostly and dark grey faded bits on face, ears, tail and feet. Splotches on back.
Ears: Floppy
Breed: Unsure- possibly French Lop (from rabbit breed images, it looked the closest to one of those)
DOB: 5th November 2012 (rough date- Guy Fawkes)
Date of recieving: 3rd April 2013 (Delivered to me at my university thus, Professor)
Sex: IT (Affectionately referred to as my Androgynous Bun because no one can tell its sex)
Owner/s: Me and my partner, lives in a household with 4 adults and 2 kids (it's my fur-baby specifically)
Fur-siblings: Gypsy (Kelpie/Shepard Dog), Griffy (Pomeranian/Maltese Dog), Kiri (Fuzzy cat), Chester (Caramel Guinea Pig), Shadow (Black Guinea Pig), Sweetie aka Squeaker aka red eyed beast (Dappled Grey Rat), Al (White leg horn Chicken), Spotty (White leg horn Chicken).
Living Condition: Has bedtime guinea pig cage from late evening (8-9ishpm?), Morning outside cement enclosure space from waking (time varies), Afternoon inside the house cuddles/exploring depending on who is home.
Training: None so far, however might have been previously toilet trained (so will start on that).
Food: Any household veggies (following an online guide of rabbit safe foods/amounts), Hay or fresh grass (seeded or wide variety), guinea pig + rabbit seed and stuff mix.
Behaviour/s: Only seems to pee on my partner, attempts to burrow into your lap, the couch or the floor under the couch sometimes, nudges you to say hello, patient and seems content with cuddles once caught (Doesn't like being caught initially though), Doesn't seem to drink water yet, is calm friendly and inquisitive around other animals (Other animals don't seem to want to be friends yet), likes to try and hide behind the TV (had to board it up).


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