Well-Known Member
Ok so we brought our Rabbit in from being in the outside hutch about a month ago he was losing lot of weight and pulling his hair out. He's doing so much better now. I relized now that he was over turning his food bowl and out side he was in a bottom less hutch i never noticed that he was doing this. His hair has started to grow back and he's put on alot of weight =) but the problem i'm having now is that i put a pan in his cage but he still goes out side of it. So i took the pan out and just been putting the litter in the bottom of the cage. Now he moves the litter out of his way to lay down and he has turned is igloo house over and lays in it. I'm afraid maybe he needs more room so I feel I should put him back outside. Since the main reason i brought him in was he wasn't eating. I don't really know what I should do I want him to be happy.