Problems with litter training

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Okay... I'm still having problems with Pepper'slitter training. I have her cage set up with food and hay inone corner... a tube for sleeping in in another corner.. water bottlein another corner and a corner litter box in the last corner.I used to have critter litter in the litter box and she would lay in itand pee it in quite a bit (mainly because she was always in it)... butsince then I've changed her litter to Woody Pet because I've read suchwonderful things about it and critter litter was soexpensive. Now, I can't get Pepper to pee in it.I've even tried placing some plastic crochet backing over it just likePet Bunny doesin case she doesn't like the feel of the WoodyPet ( it's a little rougher than critter litter). But stillno luck. I even have moved the litter box around to the areasof the cage she pees in and still isn't working. Today sheeven peed right beside her food dish. Could this still befixed once she is spayed? I'm wondering if this has to dowith her being only 3 months old. I would love to build her anew cage with carpet in it instead of bedding ( she just moves thebedding out of the way now) but I'm worried she would pee all overit. I really don't know what to do. Anysuggestions? I have 30 lbs. of Woody Pet I'm scared I'llnever be able to use. :(
She might just need time. How long have you beenusing Woody Pet? Maybe she just needs to get used to it. Mocha's normalprefered spot is where he eats, so his litter box is between his foodbowl and his hay rack. Could you do a set up like this and try leavingit there for a while?
I switched to Woody Pet, over a year ago. It'swonderful stuff! What I did was mix the Woody Pet in with their regularlitter, a little at a time. Within a month, I was able to use only theWoody Pet.
I've been trying woody pet for about 2 weeks nowand no real change. I still have some critter litter so maybeI will try mixing it and see if that helps. I could also tryand put the litter box in the corner where the food is and just movethe food out a little, but I'm worried she will go back to peeing inthe old spot where the litter box is now... wouldn't hurt to trythough. Thanks for all the tips.. hopefully something willhelp :?
Hi PepperGrl,

How is Pepper doing with the litter box now? Areyou still using the screen? It's a goodidea to mix the twolitters and eventually use onlyWoody Pet. Another thing to do is placehayat one end of her litter box, so shewilleat in her litter box anddo her business in the other end of the litter box.

See how that goes.

Rainbows! :angel:
Thanks for checking up. I've removedall of the bedding from her cage and put the litter box in one cornerwith her food and hay in bowls next to it. She now sits inher litter box and eats and so far (two days now) has done all of herpeeing in the litter box. I also mixed the two litters andshe seems to be fine with it. I'm going to try placing thelittle crochet "screen" over it now to catch some of her droppings andsee if she will still sit there. thanks for all of theadvice. it's working out wonderfully! I'm excitedabout building her a new cage and putting carpet in it now that she isusing her box :clap:
When you do putthe screen back in, start with having litter on topof the screen, so she isn't confused by the "new"screen in her box.Thengradually reduce the litter until you don't need any more litter on thescreen.

Rainbows! :angel:
Thanks Pet Bunny... I will do that and see how she takes too it. Your advice has been really helpful and I'm grateful!


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