probably a stupid question.....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
, Alberta, Canada
Just wondering there were lop eared rex's in the rabbit world. This is probably a stupid question but I love lops and I used to have a holland but he shed sooooo much. I now have a mini rex and love his coat and the low amount of shedding but would love a lop eared bun. Are there any lops that don't shed a lot?

thanks so much!

I have a Mini Rex and a Mini Lop, and I would love to someday have a Velveteen Lop - the best of both worlds :D

But Rex's do shed, big time, especially when they're in molt. Fur everywhere!
As many said, there is no breed that sheds only a little. It really comes down to the rabbit itself. Some shed horribly almost year round. Others shed rarely or very minimally. And others still shed somewhere in the middle.

It also depends on the year's weather-- this year has been horrible for my boys, they have been blowing their coats for months now and I take chunks off of them every day yet they have never shed this bad in 3 years.My Holland on the other hand, she rarely seems to shed and when she does, it's only a very small amount.

What time of year do rex's blow their coat? I heard about this when I got him but I have yet to experience it. Also how long does it last?


He may not blow his coat at all this year. I don't think there is a set time. Mine just seem to really blow their coats when spring and summer hits. And length varies, one of my rabbits has been blowing his coat for 3 months and he's still not done.
It depends on the rabbit, I have two rexes and at the moment one isn't moulting at all but the other is moulting quite alot and I'm having to brush her everyday.Mine usually start sheddingearly summer but it might be different for different rabbits and climates.
My baby girls are lop eared bunnies and they hardly shed at all...well I lie...Sora hardly sheds whereas Kairi has her days where she'll cover me in white hair when I'm wearing a black top! :?I never had any problems with my Mini-Lops Dusty&Geri either with excess shedding...
Here are my girls:
(Kairi=white Sora=brown)

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