I do not give any medication without a clear reason.
There are pellets available here that have a cocciostatica mixed in, reading up on it makes clear why. It's an antibiotic that does a pretty poor job at that task because it creates resistent strains rather quickly - but it absolutly boosts meat growth, so much that it outweights the higher kit mortality... - No, thanks, that's the worst commercial meat industry has to offer.
Also, I use the wasted grass and hay and manure in my vegetable garden, it do not want any chemicals there.
When I have surplus I do feed chives and some onion greens now and then as a cocci and worm preventative, but I never had any problems even without that. They have access to plants that are on quite some toxic lists, they grew up with that and know what they need and what they can stomach, and what is better left alone.
I use wood hutches woth wood slat floors, and I don't desinfect those, would be a pretty difficult and pointless task if there isn't a very specific reason (like after that Myxo outbreak). I keep them reasonable clean but most times wasted hay and grass builds up for some days, They spend the days outside in the garden anyway, there's nothing in the hutches that isn't outside too.
Rabbits evolved here in Europe, if it is not bred out of them by keeping them in an sterile environment and dosing with medication for generations IMHO they can deal with what is around here. And I don't breed rabbits that can't. Health always was a main breeding goal on farms, little compromises were made for breed standards or cute traits.