Preventing Urinating on Bed

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New Member
Nov 19, 2012
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Tri Cities, Washington, USA
I've been having problems with my English Lop jumping onto my bed and urinating on it. She doesn't seem to do it if I'm up there with her, giving her attention, as she usually ends up falling asleep when that happens.

But if I'm sitting on my floor or at my desk and she gets onto my bed, she usually ends up peeing on it.

She's still very young (a little over 5 months) and hasn't been fixed yet. Is there anything I can do to prevent her from thinking my bed is a place for her to use the bathroom?

My grandmother recently came to visit, and we set up a small air mattress for her, and my rabbit LOVES to jump on it and sleep. Not once has she done her business on that bed, though.

Her litterbox is in my room not far from my bed, and she uses it when she needs to. Just seems to enjoy my bed for some reason.

Are there any little tricks I can try to see if she'll stop this?

Thanks in advance!
Toby did the same thing before I had him neutered. Members here had some great suggestions like having a shower curtain down on the bed when she's out or you can't monitor her. Aside from that, having her fixed should really help or eliminate the problem. I think it's cause our beds smell so heavily of us, and they want to mark it (us) as their territory. Kinda cute if you think of it that way :)
Hi and welcome to the forum! If that's her in your avatar, she's very pretty. Be sure to post in our introductions forum so we can all get to know you!

In my experience, bunnies just like peeing on soft things. Getting her fixed might help but your best bet is probably either blocking your bed off or covering it with something that you wouldn't be upset that she peed on.

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