Pretty Faces...

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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
This is Sugar and Spice. They are at the animalshelter here in bergen co NJ. I want to go get them because they aresoooooo cute! Look at those little faces. Sugar (doe) is the tan oneand Spice (buck) is the black and white one! So everyone needs to do mea favor. Please write to JimD and tell him these babies need to comehome with us!



mambo101 wrote:
The worst part of it is how anybody could have givenup these cuties.:?
Good question, because they are adorable!! :D
They are very cute. Sadly too many people give upthier pets but when in a sitation and some really have no choice andgive them up not cause they want to, the cuteness makes it harder butthey still have to do it. I still miss mydogs and i miss my cute lovable black lab mix Blue themost.Just pointing out that not everyone thatrehomes a pet does it cause they dont want it anymore, some just donthave a choice and even though the pet is gone, not a day goes by that Idon't think of my dogs. It helps that iam pretty sure they both are in good homes. Still miss themthough.

You're right, Cristy, we've had to rehome animals ourselves. It's very sad and unfortunate :(
Only good thing that came from the move andrehoming the dogs, is that i adopted Roger to help me with the sadness.He is the one in the avatar. Today i caught him grooming his suff lionand thats a rare sight cause he hasnt played with his toys much.

They're beautiful. Ok so is this working? Jim Dhow are you feeling about another two to add to your herd? I'm surethey'd be no trouble :D.

Kate :D.
The story on the website!!

Sugar (beige and white female) and Spice (black andwhite male) were turned in by a woman who told us her son took themfrom someone who was going to release them outdoors because he did notwant them any more. Since they are a bonded pair, we would like toadopt them together...
Well see, they were rescued by a good samaritan! Let's hope they have the same luck in finding a home ;) :D

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