pregnent bunny?

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New Member
Apr 22, 2013
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i have 4 bunnies i had 2 a male and female but now i have 2 more the female one is pulling its fur out and making what looks like a nest so i seaparate them right? i did do that and locked them up over the night. well come this mourning the one that i think is pregnaent managed to jump over the barrier wich there only like a 4 inch gap and a was with the onther ones. so i let the otheres out and put her back on the side with the nest and put wire so it cant jump to the other side. i thought she would want to be spreat if ready to give birth. how long till she gives birth if pregnent and will she still give birth because she is locked in or will that make her feel un safe. soory if in the wrong fourm first time on one just woundering thanks
Hi and welcome to the forum. It's possible that she might be pregnant. Does start making a nest anywhere from just before they give birth to a week ahead. You'll just have to wait and see. If you have a shoebox or something similar that's a little larger than the doe you could put that in her cage with some hay and put in the box what she's already made. It would be safer to keep her separate from the others until you know whether she's pregnant or not. You could give her some supervised play with the others as long as they get along but otherwise I would keep her separate for now.

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