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Jun 27, 2005
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i have two buns, a male and a female.we adopted the male and he was suppossed to be neutered. myfemale is showing signs that she is going to deliver. she isrunning around thumping and pulling clumps of hair out. sheseems very unsettled. can anyone help!
yes get her a nest box, and pray its a false pregnancy. Neverever take anyones word for a spay /neuter always have a Vet check to besure. keep her seperate from themale for the next few weeks, or intilyou can have him checked over , Males are vialbleup to a month after neuter ,

If she is actingpregnant then an old shoe boxwill do for a nest box , put itin a quiet out of the way placewhere no one will disturbher , keep us posted.
i think i am more panicked that thebunny. are these the signs? she is doing a lot ofthumping and it looks like she is trying to put as much in her mouth(hay, cloth, fur) as possibl? should i put her in her cage orlet he be loose?
Keep her in her cage and keep her away from thebuck because she can get pregnant again shortly after deliveringbabies....very shortly!

I'm a new breeder and my first litters are due this I understand your nervousness!

Good luck.

Can you afford a vet visit? If so,take the male to the vet and ask if he is neutered. If yourfemale is pregnant, there isn't much you can do, except follow Gypsy'sinstructions. If the female is pregnant, perhaps a vet visitwould be too stressful for her. Keep us posted!Good luck and just try to keep her comfortable and make sure she isgetting plenty of pellets, hay and veggies, just in case.
tiffani wrote:
so general consensus is pregnant?

Not sure. Hoping it is a false pregnancy. If themale is NOT neutered it is very likely. How long have theybeen caged together? How old is the male? Thefemale? Have you seen them mounting? How long hasshe been acting like this?
Where did you adopt the male from? Ishe from a shelter or a friend? If he's from a shelter youshould be able to get his medical records. It's possible thathe was neutered just before you got him and his sperm was still viable.

If he was not from a shelter, I would suspect he was not neutered.

Good luck with the doe, I hope it's just a false pregnancy!
the doe was a baby when we got her in march, heis about 8 months. they have been together for about 3 monthsnow. ironically, she usually does the mounting. heis from a shelter, which is why i relied on the nuetering.she started acting this way late afternoon today. i am justnervous that it is something else? she is eating her greensright now if that means anything. thanks for letting me panicand for your help!
I'd call the shelter and ask if they still havehis records. It seems most rabbits come in to sheltersunneutered. Tell them your doe is nesting and you are tryingto figure out if it is a false pregnancy or a real one.
I truly hope since he came from a shelter, he isneutered. Crossing my fingers. BUT, if he wasrecently neutered, like naturestee said, he could STILL have activesperm. I don't know how to palpitate, but I thinkyoushould to do that...? Sorry I don't know muchabout breeding...

Good night. See ya tomorrow :D
no babies, yet! she doesn't appear tobe as frantic as she was last night. she is still pulling ather hair a little, and gathering hay, but doesn't seem as interested inthe actual nest. though more weird things arehappening. i think she may be in heat for the firsttime? the boy won't leave her alone (though i think she maybe teasing him a little) and is chasing her around. she ismaking a sort of grunting sound at him. neither one of themhas ever made any kind of noise. they don't seem to befighting though. she has mounted him, which i know is a signof agression. so i have no idea what is happening!?
How old is she? Could she just behitting her teenage hormones? Rabbits don't go into heat,they ovulate as needed.

Try searching here (or on google) for "false pregnancy" as this is hopefully what she is exhibiting.
Right now she is half the age she should be tohave babies. So right now you want to hope for a false pregnancy. Ifshe does have a pregnancy there might be problems, such as dead kits,and stuck kits (because she is WAY to small right now to have babies)

tiff until you know for sure keep those 2apart. You dont want the buck around the doe when shedelivers and after. You will need to find alternative housingfor your buck until you know for sure, and if he isnt fixed, I would beon the phone to the shelter and let them know to keep a spot open for aneuter he is on his way6. Good luck
amy your bun is so cute! i let themrun around a little tonight and there is a lot of mounting and gruntinggoing on. do you think its normal? i'm really newto all this! and they have never behaved this way until last night!
You mean the Buck and the Doe? You let them playtogether? You absolutely need to keep them seperate. If the buck getsthe doe pregnant it can be VERY stressfull on such a young rabbit.Since the doe is still young she can having birthing problems whenkindling, such as a stuck kit because she isnt fully developed. Pleasekeep them apart and do not let them together until the buck isneutered.

the confusion stemmed from the nesting episodelast night. i adopted the male from a shelter and was toldthat he was neutered. i called this afternhoon toconfirm.
Ohhh ok, I am sorry I totally forgot *doh*

The mounting is normal, it is a sign of dominance, there is no way to stop it :p I wish there was :)

I am so glad the male is neutered :)



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