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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
nottingham, , United Kingdom
hi my honey was mated 34 days ago and still hasnt had her babies:(. she has teats. could this be a false pregnancy? she built a nest over 2 weeks ago. do rabbits get teats with false pregnancies? i had to clean her nest yesterday and put fresh bedding in because she soiled the area with wee wee :( she hasnt pulled anymore fur out though:?can anyone help? :pleaseplease:
She could have had a false pregnancy. A doe on average won't nest until the last week of her pregnancy. Most of mine usually carry hay around a couple of days before and won't pull fur until they are ready to kindle. A doe that makes a nest at two weeks could very well have experienced a false pregnancy. If she is pregnant you should be able to easily feel the kits.

Every rabbit is different, we all should know that. You should feel her and see if she has babies inside her.
juju wrote:
my mini lop built her nest day after mating so i dont think that falows for every rabbit? thanks anyway :)
I've never heard of a doe building a nest a day after mating - in that case it would definitely be a false pregnancy.

Most times when a doe builds a nest between days 14 and 21 or is a false pregnancy and yes, you can feel nipples.

The big question comes down to - can you feel / see the babies moving. At 34 days you should definitely see them moving if they're still alive in mama and she would be larger than she was before.

I suspect it was a false pregnancy.
Well if she gave birth the day after mating then the mating wouldn't have been all that successful I would think. From what I've heard does are very fertile after having just had their kits but before?

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