Pregnant, maybe?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hutto, Texas, USA
She (Bell)has calmed down alot since Ibrought her in. Well, she has her own bed to get her off of the wireand lately she has been digging into a corner of the shavings and hayand made it bear. Then her hair keeps coming out really fast and herchest hair is all puffed up , she has a lot of it. She was bred with amale on April 13th but we were not sure if she took or not since shenever had before. This will be my first litter and I am not sure if sheis pregnant since I tired to palpate her and it just stresses her outand I can't feel anything. She is a fatty though. (But I always thoughtthat) She is eating and drinking more though. And she loves her apples.She is very territorial, I tried to give her a treat and she lunged atme and almost bit me. (She has bit me twice).

By the way I am having a birthday party the 13th. Should I make sure(just incase) that she is not around all the noise and excitment. Andthat they don't tried to mess with her (though they are all 13).
During the party put her ina quiet room and let noone near her , soundslike she may be pregnant byyour discription , , Usecaution giving her treats ifsheis over weight you dont want to addmore stress of more weight gain , Besidesif she has bitten you2 times already use caution.
Why does she only dig in one corner and not inthe middle or something... I have not seen her pull more hair though.She is so sweet I just love her (even if she does bite me)
Well, no more hair pulling or hay digging... Iam really hoping she is pregnant though! Her cage is starting to stinkbecause it needs to be changed but I don't want to stress her out bypulling the bottom out of the cage or anything.
You will need tochange the cage before the babies are born because it will start tosmell REALLY bad if you wait to long. I suggest changing it before thebabies come that way you can leave it a little longer and you won’thave to disturb the babies while they are really young. I personallychange the cage the day before the babies are supposed to be born, andI have not had any negativeeffects

I cleanedcages before and after tehbabies were born , with some ofthese females having such large littersNOT cleaning them was not an option, they needed it ,amonia building up can be harmfull ,not to mention nowthat summer is settingin so will Flies.keep it clean andWatch your hands shemay be agressive.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Why does she only dig in one corner and not in the middle orsomething... I have not seen her pull more hair though. She is so sweetI just love her (even if she does bite me)

Rabbits like to back into corners. I think they feel more safe if they have their rump in a corner.
Confused!! She is pulling hair butonly a little bit! She doesn't stick all of it in her nesting boxeither... Like she is just shedding instead of pulling! She is due onWednesday... I can't wait but it is driving me crazy with worry! Butshe is making a nest out of the hay this morning.
Id do what everyone else suggested. Also keepcertain other animals away from her so she doesn't stress and kill oreat the babies. If she is pregnant she'll need a nesting box. Shavingsare the worste thing you can use for nesting material. I learned thatfrom experience. The does just dug it all out after having theirlitters and buried the babies alive. luckily I caught it most of thetime in order to save the babies. Straw or hay would be your bestbedding to give her. so she can use it to build a proper nest.
Still no sign of having them... But today I wentout and actually saw her pulling hair... She almost fell down doing itthough. I can't wait till she has them! I just don't want to getexcited and then find out she is not pregnant, or they end up dead, orsomething like that. I have shavings in her nest box with strawunderneath, and then hay on top. She eats the hay and moves the strawaround and then digs in the shavings!
Here are some pictures I took of her tonight... She looks pretty good in most of them.


bunnylover78642 wrote:
SI make sure there are no babies hiding or anything strange things in there.

Do you mean the babies are born? :)

If so, you can touch the fur, as long as the mother is comfortable withyou. It is a good idea to check on the babies every day to make surenothing is going wrong, and to make sure they are eating properly. Aslong as the mother is comfortable with you she wont mind you touchingthe babies :)

The problem is she is really not comfortablewith me, very well. Somedays she is fine and other days she will attackand I have to hold her back. The babies weren't born but I check tomake sure she has not put in any of her toys or treats. She has pulleda lot more hair though. HER WHOLE CAGE IS COVERED IN WHITE HAIR!!

I can't wait till she has them!!
I would beconcerned about breeding a grumpy doe who might pass down thiswonderfultraits to her children. Always work ongetting her to like you before you breed them. Breed for temperamentand then show quality :)


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